Sunday, March 31, 2013


Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it! He has broken the chains of death, and has opened the gates of heaven for all of us if we choose.

Holy Saturday

Today is Holy Saturday. Sorry this is late, we had plumbing problems, then my internet went down. Anyway, Christ's cold body is in the Holy Sepulchre. His living soul is busy. He visits the souls of the dead to announce to them that their deliverance is at hand. I also think He went , at least to the gates, of hell where the damned souls are to tell them that from now on the Name of Jesus will be revered, and that all knees shall bend. Just my opinion. I will now turn to our beloved Abbot, Gueranger. He has an interesting take:

'In the centre of the earth there are four immense regions, into which no one living can ever enter: it is only by divine revelation that we know of their existence. The farthest from us is the hell of the damned, the frightful abode where satan and his angels and the reprobate are suffering eternal torments. it is here that the prince of darkness is ever forming his plots against God and His creatures. Nearer to us, is the limbo wherein are detained the souls of children, who departed this world before being regenerated. The opinion which has met most favour from the Church is that these souls suffer no torment; and that, although they can never enjoy the beatific vision, yet are they enjoying a natural happiness, and one that is proportionate to their desires. Above the abode of these children, is the place of expiation, where souls that have departed this life in the state of grace cleanse themselves from any stains of lesser sins, or satisfy for the debt of temporal punishment still due to divine justice. And lastly, still nearer to us, is the limbo where are kept from heaven the saints who died under the old Law. Here are our first parents, Abel, Noe, Abraham, Moses, David, and the prophets; the just Gentiles, such as that great saint of Arabia, Job; and those holy personages who were closely connected with our Lord, such as Joachim and Anne, the parents of His blessed Mother, Joseph her spouse and His own foster-father, and John His precursor, together with his holy parents Zachary and Elizabeth.'

Friday, March 29, 2013

Our Salvation has begun

I'm going to add something that I have on a tee shirt:
If I'm OK, and you're OK, explain this!

I would also like to add a prayer from last night, Maunday Thursday. On this day, Jesus gave a mandate, or 'mandatum', in which Jesus gave the Apostles these instructions:

To offer the Body and Blood of Him in the Most August Sacrament of the Eucharist, and to wash the feet of others, thus humbling themselves.

Here is the prayer, in which we pray for those who are not within the fold of the Divine Shepherd, Jesus. This is an indulgenced prayer (200 days each time said), from Pope Pius VII in 1815:

Jesus, my God, my Saviour, true God and true man, in that lowly homage with which the Faith itself inspires me, with my whole heart I adore and love Thee in the most august Sacrament of the Altar, in reparation for all the acts of irreverence, profanation, and sacrilege, which I myself may ever have committed, as well as for all such like acts that ever have been done by in ages yet to come. I adore Thee, my God, not indeed as Thou deservest, not as much as I am bound to adore, but as far as I am able; and I would that I could adore Thee with all the perfection of which a reasonable creature is capable. Meantime I purpose now and ever to adore Thee, not only for those Catholics who adore and love Thee not, but also for the conversion of all bad Christians, and for all heretics, schismatics, Mohammedans, Jews, and idolators. Jesus, my God, mayest Thou be ever known, adored, loved, and praised every moment, in the most holy and divine sacrament. Amen.

May we all be true to our promises we have made to God throughout our lives. Jesus, have mercy.

Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, the lamb of the new sacrifice, which forever takes place of the old sacrifice of the Jews. This is the Real Bread and Real Blood of our dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Michael Voris on the Easter celebration

I saw this video today, and it is very pertinent for today's screwed-up world. Please watch.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Palm Sunday 2013

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the day we think about Jesus entering Jerusalem riding on a donkey. In a few days, the same people who honored Him this day will cry out for His death. How quick some people turn against you! Anyway, our beloved Abott Gueranger describes the scenario for us:

Early in the morning of this day, Jesus sets out for Jerusalem, leaving Mary His Mother, and the two sisters Martha and Mary Magdalene, and Lazarus, at Bethania. The Mother of sorrows trembles at seeing her Son thus expose Himself to danger, for His enemies are bent upon His destruction; but it is not death, it is triumph, that Jesus is to receive today in Jerusalem. The Messias, before being nailed to the gross, is to be proclaimed King by the people of the great city; the little children are to make her streets echo with their to the Son of David; and this in presence of the soldiers of Rome's emperor, and of the high priests and pharisees: the first standing under the banner of their eagles; the second, dumb with rage.

The prophet Zachary had foretold this triumph which the Son of Man was to receive a few days before His Passion, and which had been prepared for Him from all eternity. 'Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Sion! Shout for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold thy fling will come to thee; the Just and the Saviour. He is poor, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt, the foal of an ass.'[1] Jesus, knowing that the hour has come for the fulfilment of this prophecy, singles out two from the rest of His disciples, and bids them lead to Him an ass and her colt, which they would find not far off. He has reached Bethphage, on Mount Olivet. The two disciples lose no time in executing the order given them by their divine Master; and the ass and the colt are soon brought to the place where He stands.

The holy fathers have explained to us the mystery of these two animals. The ass represents the Jewish people, which had been long under the yoke of the Law; the colt, upon which, as the evangelist says, no man yet hath sat.[2] is a figure of the Gentile world, which no one had ever yet brought into subjection. The future of these two peoples is to be decided a few days hence: the Jews will be rejected, for having refused to acknowledge Jesus as the Messias; the Gentiles will take their place, to be adopted as God's people, and become docile and faithful.

The disciples spread their garments upon the colt; and our Saviour, that the prophetic figure might be fulfilled, sits upon him,[3] and advances towards Jerusalem. As soon as it is known that Jesus is near the city, the holy Spirit works in the hearts of those Jews, who have come from all parts to celebrate the feast of the Passover. They go out to meet our Lord, holding palm branches in their hands, and fondly proclaiming Him to be King.[4] They that have accompanied Jesus from Bethania, join the enthusiastic crowd. Whilst some spread their garments on the way, others out down boughs from the palm-trees, and strew them along the road. Hosanna is the triumphant cry, proclaiming to the whole city that Jesus, the Son of David, has made His entrance as her King.

How these Jews missed seeing what was really happening before their eyes I can't begin to understand. The important ones of that religion knew what was to come, they had read the scriptures. I guess having it happen in their time was beyond their scope of their understanding. Like now, I think I see signs pointing to things at the end, and I think they are here now, but if you tell anyone about it, they think you are nuts! I personally hope that I am put in a detention camp; you know, the ones for all of those dangerous sorts can be kept. Think of the possible conversions that could happen.

In the next few days, we will be reading the Passion from all four of the Evangelists, keeping in mind about the suffering that Jesus did for us unworthy ones.
Let us pray for a true conversion of our hearts, so that we may be made worthy of His love, forgiveness, and eternal happiness with Him and His Mother.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us sinners. Please?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Seven Dolors of the B.V.M.

Today, the Friday of Passion week, we think about our Blessed Mother Mary, and the seven dolors she suffered. They are:

1. St. Simeon’s Prophecy
2. The Flight into Egypt
3. The Loss of Jesus in the Temple
4. The Meeting of Mary and Jesus on the Way to Calvary
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
6. The Piercing of the Side of Jesus, and His Descent from the Cross
7. The Burial of Jesus.

On this day, the Sequence said is one of the most beautiful ones of the whole year. It is as follows:


Stabat Mater dolorósa
iuxta crucem lacrimósa,
dum pendébat Fílius.

Cuius ánimam geméntem,
contristátam et doléntem
pertransívit gládius.

O quam tristis et afflícta
fuit illa benedícta,
mater Unigéniti!

Quæ mærébat et dolébat,
pia Mater, dum vidébat
Nati poenas íncliti.

Quis est homo qui non fleret,
Matrem Christi si vidéret
tanto supplício?

Quis non posset contristári,
piam Matrem contemplári
doléntem cum Fílio?

Pro peccátis suæ gentis
vidit lesum in torméntis,
et flagéllis súbditum.

Vidit suum dulcem Natum
moriéndo desolátum,
dum emísit spíritum.

Eia, Mater, fons amóris
me sentíre vim dolóris fac,
ut tecum lúgeam.

Fac ut árdeat cor meum
in amándo Christum Deum,
ut sibi compláceam.

Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifíxi fige plagas
cordi meo válide.

Tui Nati vulneráti,
tam dignáti pro me pati,
poenas mecum divide.

Fac me tecum pie flere,
Crucifíxo condolére,
donec ego víxero.

Iuxta crucem tecum stare,
ac me tibi sociáre
in planctu desídero.

Virgo vírginum præclára,
mihi iam non sis amára,
fac me tecum plángere.

Fac ut portem Christi mortem,
passiónis fac me sortem,
et plagas recólere.

Fac me plagis vulnerári,
cruce hac inebriári,
et cruóre Filii.

Flammis urar succénsus,
per te, Virgo, sim defénsus
in die iudícii.

Fac me cruce custodíri,
morte Christi præmuníri,
confovéri grátia.

Quando corpus moriétur,
fac ut ánimæ donétur
Paradísi glória.

In English:

At the cross her station keeping
stood the mournful Mother weeping,
close to Jesus to the last.

Through her heart, His sorrow sharing,
all His bitter anguish bearing
now at length the sword had passed.

Oh, how sad and sore distressed
was that Mother highly blessed,
of the sole-begotten One!

Christ above in torment hangs,
she beneath beholds the pangs
of her dying, glorious Son.

Is there one who would not weep,
'whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?

Can the human heart refrain
from partaking in her pain,
in that Mother's pain untold?

Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled,
she beheld her tender Child
All with scourges rent.

For the sins of His own nation,
saw Him hang in desolation,
Till His spirit forth He sent.

O sweet Mother! fount of love!
Touch my spirit from above,
make my heart with thine accord.

Make me feel as thou hast felt;
make my soul to glow and melt
with the love of Christ, my Lord.

Holy Mother! pierce me through,
in my heart each wound renew
of my Savior crucified.

Let me share with thee His pain,
who for all our sins was slain,
who for me in torments died.

Let me mingle tears with thee,
mourning Him who mourned for me,
all the days that I may live.

By the Cross with thee to stay,
there with thee to weep and pray,
is all I ask of thee to give.

Virgin of all virgins blest!,
Listen to my fond request:
let me share thy grief divine;

Let me, to my latest breath,
in my body bear the death
of that dying Son of thine.

Wounded with His every wound,
steep my soul till it hath swooned,
in His very Blood away;

Be to me, O Virgin, nigh,
lest in flames I burn and die,
in His awful Judgment Day.

Christ, when Thou shalt call me hence,
by Thy Mother my defense,
by Thy Cross my victory;

While my body here decays,
may my soul Thy goodness praise,
safe in paradise with Thee. Amen.

Another depiction:

Holy Mother of God, pray for us sinners, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Passion Sunday 2013

Tomorrow is Passion Sunday. We are starting to think seriously about what Christ did for us. It should have already happened! Anyway, I'd like to put something in that we don't hear anymore, if that's OK with you. Even if it's not!, here goes. The following is called Capitulum, because it is short. And besides, I like it.

The standard of our King comes forth; the mystery of the cross shines upon us, that cross on which Life suffered death, and by His death gave life.

He was pierced with the cruel spear, that, by the Water and the Blood which flowed from the wound, He might cleanse us from sin.

Here on the Cross was fulfilled the prophecy foretold in David's truthful words: 'God hath reigned from the tree.'

O fair and shining tree! beautified by the scarlet of the King, and chosen as the noble trunk that was to touch such sacred limbs.

O blessed tree! on whose arms hung the ransom of the world! It was the balance, wherein was placed the Body of Jesus, and thereby hell lost its prey.

Hail, O Cross! our only hope!

I'd also like to add this prayer, from the Passion Sunday readings, which we wouldn't hear otherwise, for our newly selected Holy Father:

O God, the Pastor and Ruler of all the faithful, look down, in thy mercy, on thy servant Francis, whom thou hast appointed Pastor over thy Church: and grant, we beseech thee, that both by word and example, he may edify all those that are under his charge: and, with the flock entrusted to him, arrive at length at eternal happiness. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns in unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and forever. Amen.

Go Green! (MSU, in the upcoming NCAA tournment)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today, the Church is blessed with another Pope. He has taken the name Francis. He has some firsts in his reign. He is the first pope from the Americas. He is the first of the Jesuit order. And, he is the first named Francis. Hopefully, he can start to right what is wrong in the Church so that we can heal.

He comes from Latin America, even though his parents are from Italy. I hope and pray that he doesn't subscribe to 'Liberation Theology.' It is very prevalent in Latin countries, and has ruined the Faith there. He loves the poor, which we always have with us. He is against abortion, for celibacy. Those two things right there has me in his corner already. Only time will tell.

I will be checking into prophecies about what happens to the black pope, since Jesuits are the "Black Robes'. It's not for us to know everything about the end times, but we have been given clues to it.

Most of all, though, let us pray....

O God, who in your providential design
willed that your Church be built
upon blessed Peter, whom you set over the other apostles,
look with favor, we pray, on Francis, our Pope,
and grant that he, whom you have made Peter’s successor,
may be for your people a visible source and foundation
of unity in faith and of communion.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Let us also pray that he is friendly to those who love the 'Mass of the Ages', the Traditional Latin Mass.

Viva Papa Francesco!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Pray for the election

Tomorrow will be the first day of selecting a new Pope. Please pray that we get a worthy one.

I just like the following Preface given us by the Roman pontifical regarding us penitents:

It is truly meet and just, right and available to salvation, that we should always and in all places, give thanks to thee, O Holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, through Christ our Lord: Whom thou, O almighty Father, didst will to be born among us by an ineffable Birth, that so he might pay to thee, his eternal Father, the debt contracted by Adam, and put our death to death by his own, and bear our wounds in his own Flesh, and cleanse away our stains by His Blood; hereby enabling us, who had fallen by the envy of the old enemy, to rise again by his mercy. Through him, O Lord, we suppliantly beseech and pray thee that thou graciously hear us making intercession for the sins of others, who are not worthy to plead for our own. Do thou, O most merciful Lord, recall to thyself, with thy wonted goodness, these thy servants, who have separated themselves from thee by their sins. For neither didst thou reject the most wicked Achab when he humbled himself before thee, but didst avert from him the punishment he had deserved. So, likewise, didst thou graciously hear Peter, when he wept, and didst afterwards give to him the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and thou didst promise the reward of that same kingdom to the thief when he trusted in thee. Therefore, O most merciful Lord! mercifully welcome back these for whom we offer to thee our prayers, and restore them to the bosom of thy Church, that the enemy may not triumph over them, but that they may be reconciled unto thee by thy coequal Son, and by him be cleansed from their guilt, and graciously admitted by him to the banquet of thy most holy Supper. May he in such wise refresh them by his Flesh and Blood, as to lead them, after this life's course is run, to the kingdom of heaven.

God the Holy Ghost, help the Cardinals in the upcoming days select a worthy successor of Peter. Please?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Laetare Sunday 2013

2013 Laetare Sunday-2013

Tomorrow is the Fourth Sunday, Laetare or Rose Sunday. We are over half the way to Easter, and we get to relax and rejoice a little. The Gospel is from St. John, and is when Jesus feeds 5000 men, plus how many other people were there with 5 loaves, and 2 fish. He's really teaching us about the Holy Eucharist and how it can feed us for ever, if we wish. And, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which means 'House of Bread.' Go figure! Our beloved Abott Gueranger, speaking about these men, says this:

"These men, whom Jesus has been feeding by a miracle of love and power, are resolved to make Him their King. They have no hesitation in proclaiming him worthy to reign over them; for where can they find one worthier? What, then, shall we Christians do, who know the goodness and the power of Jesus incomparably better than these poor Jews:- We must beseech him to reign over us, from this day forward. We have just been reading in the Epistle, that it is He who has made us free, by delivering us from our enemies. O glorious Liberty! But the only way to maintain it, is to live under his Law. Jesus is not a tyrant, as are the world and the flesh; his rule is sweet and peaceful, and we are his Children rather than his Servants. In the court of such a King “to serve is to reign.” What, then, have we to do with our old slavery? If some of its chains be still upon us, let us lose no time, - let us break them, for the Pasch is near at hand; the great Feast-Day begins to dawn. Onwards, then, courageously to the end of our journey! Jesus will refresh us ; he will make us sit down as he did the men of the Gospel; and the Bread he has in store for us will make us forget all our past fatigues.
In the Offertory, the Church again borrows the words of David, wherewith to praise the Lord; but, to-day, it is mainly his goodness and power that she celebrates."

St. Francis de Sales, speaking on today's Gospel, quotes from Ecclus. ii:xi,

'No one who hoped in Him and in His Providence has ever been disappointed.'

Thus, if we believe in Him and the Holy Eucharist, we will be OK.

I would like to end with stanzas from the Tridion of the Greek Church:

We have passed one half of our journey through the holy fast; let us, then, as it behooves us, joyfully complete what remains. Let us anoint our souls with the oil of good works, that we may be made worthy to celebrate the divine sufferings of Christ our Lord, and to be brought to his venerable and holy Resurrection.

Jesus, he that planted the vine and hired the labourers, is near at hand. Come, ye brave fasters! let us receive the reward; for he that pays us is rich and merciful. After our short labours, he will requite our souls with his mercy.

O God! thou Giver of life! open to me the gate of penance. My spirit keepeth watch in thy holy temple; but the temple of the flesh, which I have to carry with me, is defiled with many sins. Have pity on me, notwithstanding; and in thy tender mercy, cleanse me.

Come, let us, who are in the mystic Vine, produce fruits of penance. Here labouring, let our feasting be, not in meat and drink, but in prayer and fasting and good works. Our Lord, being pleased with our labour, will pay us with that, whereby he, the one God, rich in mercy, will forgive us the debt of our sins.

Kyrie, Eleison

Also, don't forget to change your clocks tonight ahead one hour, lest you be late for Church. Some already don't give enough time to prepare for Mass, so the hour will be lost to you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

There is an interesting web site to go to. It will give you a Cardinal to pray and/or fast for during the Conclave to elect our next Pope. This would be a good thing for us to do. Maybe some real prayers would help get a worthy successor. The site is:


Please consider doing this.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

3rd Sunday of Lent 2013

Tomorrow is the 3rd Sunday of Lent. We hear about Jesus casting a devil out from a deaf and dumb man. According to our Blessed Abbot, Gueranger:

'As soon as Jesus had cast out the devil, the man recovered his speech, for the possession had made him dumb. It is an image of what happens to a sinner, who will not, or dare not, confess his sin. If he confessed it, and asked pardon, he would be delivered from the tyranny which now oppresses him. Alas! how many there are who are kept back, by a dumb devil, from making the confession that would save them! The holy season of Lent is advancing; these days of grace are passing away; let us profit by them; and if we ourselves be in the state of grace, let us offer up our earnest prayers for sinners, that they may speak, that is, may accuse themselves in confession and obtain pardon.'

Jesus ends the Gospel reading from St. Luke by saying; "...blessed are they who hear the word of God, and keep it."

I'd like to end with a prayer from the Mozarabic breviary for the beginning of this 3rd week.

'Having now passed the fourteenth day of this season, which forms the tithe of our year, we lift up our eyes to thee, O Lord, who dwellest in heaven. Show mercy to the miserable, and heal them that are wounded. Grant that the journey we have begun may be prosperous. Direct our hearts in the way of thy commandments. Through thee may we find the way of light; through thee, may we be inflamed with the bright burning of thy love. Grant rest to our labours, and a home to us that labour; that having gained thy good pleasure by our observance of these days, we may deserve to be partakers of thy glory.'

Friday, March 1, 2013

Novena for the election of the Sovereign Pontiff

We need to start this Novena today, and that the Cardinals select a faithful, viligent, and strong successor.


Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come. From thy bright heavenly throne! Come, take possession of our souls. And make them all Thine own!

Thou who art called the Paraclete, Best gift of God above, the Living Spring, the Living Fire, Sweet Unction, and True Love!

Thou who are sevenfold in Thy grace, Finger of God's right hand, His Promise, teaching little ones to speak and understand!

O guide our minds with Thy blest light, with love our hearts inflame, and with Thy strength, which never decays, confirm our mortal frame.

Far from us drive our hellish foe, True peace unto us bring, and through all perils guide us safe beneath Thy sacred wing.

Through Thee may we the Father know, through Thee the Eternal Son, and Thee the Spirit of them both Thrice blessed Three in One.

Now to the Father, and the Son Who rose from death, be glory given, with Thee, O Holy Comforter, henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen.

V/Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created:
R/And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


O Lord, with suppliant humility, we entreat Thee, that in Thy boundless mercy Thou wouldst grant the most Holy Roman Church a Pontiff, who by his zeal for us, may be pleasing to Thee, and by his good government may ever be honoured by Thy people for the glory of Thy Name. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

V/Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
R/pray for us who have recourse to thee!
V/Saint Pius V,
R/pray for us.
V/Saint Pius X,
R/pray for us.