Saturday, January 26, 2013

Good bye, Alleluia!

Today is the last day when we hear the Alleluia. Tomorrow we begin the Lenten season with Septuagesima Sunday. We won't hear 'Alleluia' until Easter, March 31st. In reading about today, and how throughout the ages the 'Alleluia' was bid adieu. In the Capitulum of today, I found this nugget to share:

Alleluia is in heaven and on earth: it is eternal in heaven, and is even sung on earth. There, unceasingly; here, faithfully. There, everlastingly; here sweetly. There, happily; here, concordantly. There, ineffably; here, heartily. There, it needs no syllables; here, it needs our melodies. There, it has angels for its chanters; here, it has men. When Christ our Lord was born, the heavenly host gave Him exceeding praise and honour, singing Alleluia both in heaven and on earth, and proclaiming glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good-will. Therefore do we beseech thee O Lord, that as we strive to imitate the angels in their ministry of praise, we may live in such a manner as to deserve to be their companions in eternal life.

Goodbye Alleluia, until we meet again!

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