Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gaudete Sunday 2012

Tomorrow is Gaudete Sunday. The vestments are rose-colored. We are nearing the birth of our Lord and Saviour. Our beloved Abbot Gueranger brings us closer to that day.

'...the Lord is nigh; nigh to His Church, and nigh to each of our souls. Who can be near so burning a fire, and yet be so cold? Do we not feel that He is coming to us, in spite of all obstacles? He will let nothing be a barrier between Himself and us, neither His own infinite high majesty, not our exceeding lowliness, nor our many sins. Yet a little while, and He will be with us. Let us go out to meet Him by these prayers and supplications, and thanksgiving which the apostle (St. Paul),recommends to us. Let our zeal to unite ourselves with our holy mother the Church become more than ever fervent: now every day her prayers will increase in intense earnestness, and her longings after Him, who is her light and her love, will grow more ardent...'

Come, Lord Jesus

I don't know what happened to my picture on my site, but will endeavor to restore it as soon as possible. Sorry, but this new computer with windows 8 stinks. Not the computer, it's nice; but the system. Bear with me.

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