Saturday, December 1, 2012

1st Sunday of Advent 2012

Tomorrow is the 1st Sunday of Advent, 2012. Time to get a fresh new start on the upcoming year.

I'm going to let our beloved abbot Gueranger lead us into Advent.

'The whole world is in expectation of its Redeemer; come, der Jesus, show Thyself to it by granting it salvation. The Church, Thy bride, is now commencing another year, and her first word is to Thee, a word which she speaks in the anxious solicitude of a mother for the safety of her children; she cried out to Thee, saying: "Come!" No, we will go no farther in our journey through the desert of this life without Thee, O Jesus! Time is passing quickly away from us; our day is perhaps far spent, and the shades of our life's night are coming on; arise, O divine Sun of justice. Come! guide our steps and save us from eternal death.'

I just got a new laptop, and so it will probably take me awhile to figure out how to get any of my old pictures onto the postings. Please bear with me.

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