Saturday, November 10, 2012

A sad day indeed/24th Sunday after Pentecost

Well, we're all set for our country as we used to know it, to fully become socialistic. The 'Spawn of Satan' has won re-election, and he now has free reign to totally destroy our beloved nation. What a disaster! Get ready for our country to become 'Amerika'! Those who call themselves 'catholic' are much to blame, especially including the bishops, who are supposed to teach us the entire Truth. They are suppose to tell us that whoever votes for anyone who supports abortion and same-sex marriages have, in fact, excommunicated themselves from the Church. They have failed completely! Good luck to them when they croak.

And now, on to this upcoming Sunday, the 24th after Pentecost. We hear about the end of the world. How coincidental! Does anyone else feel that we have reached that low spot? Do NOT! accept the mark of the Beast! It will destroy your soul!

St. Paul tells us not to despair:

Brethren: We have been praying for you unceasingly, asking that you may be filled with knowledge of God's Will, in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. May you walk worthily of God and please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God. May you be completely strengthened through His glorious power unto perfect patience and long-suffering; joyfully rendering thanks to God the Father, Who has made us worthy to share the lot of the saints in light. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His beloved Son, in Whom we have our redemption, through His Blood, the remission of sins.

Our beloved Abbot Gueranger adds:

Thanksgiving and Prayer! There we have the epitome of our Epistle, and an eloquent conclusion to the Apostle's course of instructions: it is also both summary and conclusion of the Year of the Sacred Liturgy. The Doctor of the Gentiles has been zealous beyond measure in his fulfillment of the task assigned to him by Holy Mother Church. Of a certainty, the fault is not his if the souls he undertook to guide, on the morrow of the descent of the Spirit of Love, have not all reached the summit of perfection, which he longed we should all get up to! Those who have gone bravely forward in the path which, a year ago, was opened out to them by Holy Mother Church, now know, by a happy experience, that this path most surely lead them to the life of Union, where Divine charity reigns supreme! Who is there that, with anything like earnestness, has allowed his mind and heart to take an interest in the several Liturgical Seasons, which have been brought before us and celebrated by the Church during the past twelve months, has not also felt an immense increase of light imparted to him? Now light is that indispensible element, which delivers us from the power of darkness, and translates us, by the help of God, into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. The work of redemption, which this His beloved Son came down upon earth to accomplish for His Father's glory, could not do otherwise than make progress in those who have, with more or less fervor, entered into the spirit of His Church during the whole Year, that is, from the opening of Advent right up to these the closing days of the sacred Cycle. All of us then, whosoever we may be, should give thanks to this Father of Lights (James 1: 17), Who hath made us worthy to be partakers, somewhat at least, of the lot of the Saints.

So then, all of us—be the share of such participation what it may—yes, all of us must pray that the excellent gift (Ibid.), which has been put into our hearts, may fervently yield itself to the still richer development, which the coming new Cycle is intended to produce within us.

The just man cannot possibly remain stationary in this world—he must either descend or ascend; and whatever may be the degree of perfection to which grace has led him, he must be ever going still higher, as long as he is left in this life (Ps. 83: 6). The Colossians, to whom the Apostle was writing, had fully received the Gospel: the word of truth, which had been sown in them, had produced abundant fruit in faith, hope and charity (Col. 1: 4-6); and yet instead of relenting, on that account, his solicitude in their regard, it is precisely for that reason (Ibid. 9), that St. Paul, who had prayed for them up to then, ceases not to go on praying for them. So let us do—let us go on praying. Let us beg of God, that He will again and always, fill us with His Divine Wisdom, and with the Spirit of Understanding. We need all that in order to correspond with His merciful designs. If the new Year of the Church, which is so soon to begin, find us faithful and making fresh progress, we shall be repaid with new aspects of truth in the garden of the Spouse, and the fruits we shall produce there will be more plentiful and far sweeter than in any bygone year. Therefore let us make up our minds to walk worthy of God, "with dilated hearts" (Rule of St. Benedict), and bravely—for the eye of His His approving love will be ever upon us, as we toil along. Oh, yes; let us run on in that uphill path, which will lead us to eternal repose in the Beatific Vision!

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