Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ascension THURSDAY!

Today is Ascension Thursday. Notice I said Thursday, NOT Sunday! I just wanted to make myself clear. It is always 40 days after Easter, and always on a Thursday. Those who hold the belief that it is not a Holy day are sadly mistaken, and will be held accountable one day because of all the people they have led astray. We will be going to St. Josaphat Catholic church in Detroit at 7PM. It is a beautiful church, and the services are very holy. Just being in the church gives you the feeling that someone and/or something is definitely there. It just makes you feel good and blessed. And, may God bless the priests who celebrate the Holy sacrifice of the Mass at this church, and, as well, at the other churches in the area where they travel to. I just hope the 'good' Bishop of Detroit doesn't close it or any of the others that are on the chopping block. Many prayers are needed.

May Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph help us in our hours of need!

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