Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Thursday 2012

Outside of Easter, this is the most important day of the year for us Catholics. He sends His Apostles Peter and John to get the room and set up for the sacrifice. Christ institutes the Holy Eucharist. And, He tells His Apostles to copy these actions, thus giving them authority and power to do it. He replaces the immolation of a sacrificial lamb for Passover with the Real Sacrifice of Himself, the Real Pascal Lamb, in expiation of our sins, both today and to the end of the earth. Today, the Apostles are taught to do the Holy Eucharist, along with washing feet to show unworthiness and their duty to be the least of the least. At least, this is for the Bishops and priests, who seem to have forgotten, or have given it up, what they are to do to help us save our souls.

Along with these things happening today, I think I have realized why Wednesdays are a day of fasting and abstinence. I think it was because that was the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, thus making it a not so good day. It's just my opinion.

So, today, we have the last Mass for a couple of days. Jesus will be reposed until Easter Sunday, when we again hear the beautiful bells, signifying the greatest event in the history of the world, His Resurrection from the tomb. Let us contemplate on this, and be ready for Sunday morning. Maybe we can make a new start in our lives also.

In today's Mass, and according to our beloved Abbot,'the Church is filled with gratitude for this her Redeemer, who has made Himself our salvation, by dying for us; our life, by the Bread of heaven, He has given us; and our resurrection, by His having risen from the grave.'

Last year, I searched for a Mass for Holy Thursday around our area of Lansing, and found that the only one available was is Detroit. It was so beautiful! So, again this year, we will be making another pilgrimage to St. Josaphat Church in Detroit. I told my wife years ago that, if we wanted a good Mass, we'd have to travel. For anyone interested, it is at 7pm at the junction of I75 and I94, southwest corner.

Lord, have mercy on us. Please?

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