Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Joseph

Today is the feast day of the foster father of Jesus, St. Joseph. He almost seems to disappear out of our thoughts as if he isn't really important. How shameful of us. He is the official guardian of the Church, of families, of the sick and the dying, of fathers, etc. He is ranked above even the angels who guard us each, because he guarded the Son of God Himself. This is much more important, at least to me. It is of the opinion of all the saints and theologians that he was preserved from sin in his mother's womb, though not at conception as Our Blessed Mother was, but more like Jeremiah and St. John the Baptist. But, probably his inner womb cleansing was even better than theirs. It only makes sense if you stop and think about it. He is the one who gave the holy Name of Jesus at His presentation in the temple. I'm willing to bet that Jesus even looked like St. Joseph, too.

He is regarded as being of the old rite, but he helped bring in the new. He, and him alone, protected the ark of the real God, Jesus, when he protected his wife, Mary, the human ark of the New Covenant. He never got to see the Church with the Apostles get going, but never the less knew of it happening. He was, after Jesus died and Ascended, the first to enter heaven after Our Lord, and has a very prominent place there, for sure.

Two years ago, I resolved to read the entire set of 'The City of God' by Mary of Agreda. In the 3rd volume, 16th chapter, St. Joseph has died, and Our Blessed Mother made the following statements regarding St. Joseph. She said that because of the privileges bestowed upon St. Joseph, his intercession is most powerful, especially for these causes:

1. For attaining the virtue of purity and overcoming the sensual inclinations of the flesh;
2. For procuring powerful help to escape sin and return to the friendship of God;
3. For increasing the love and devotion to the Most Holy Mary;
4. For securing the grace of a happy death and protection against the demons in that hour;
5. For inspiring the demons with terror at the mere mention of his name by his clients;
6. For gaining health of body and assistance in all kinds of difficulties;
7. For securing issue of children in families.

Let's not forget about St. Joseph. Let us ask for his help in our daily needs. He's there waiting to bring us home, just as he did with Mary and Jesus from Egypt.

Check the next post and see what Fr. John Hardon says about St. Joseph.

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