Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday-4th week of Advent 2011

Today's hymn in honor of our Blessed Mother was comprised by St. Peter Damian.

May all earth and heaven be glad and resound with the praises which, in this double choir, are sung to the maternity of the Virgin.
Yea, this Virgin, Mother of the Word, is made the gate of heaven; she gave God to the world, and, by this, opened heaven to us.
This happy Mother of Jesus conceived him without humiliation, and bore him without a moan; such a Mother could not be under the law put on Eve.
O that rich treasury of Mary's womb! it held the price which purchased our redemption, setting us free from the yoke of our debt.
The Son of the eternal Father dwelt within her; the Holy Ghost overshadowed her; what is such a Virgin's womb but a new-made heaven?
To thee, Most High, who wast born of the Virgin, be praise! Honour ineffable be to the Father, and to the Holy Spirit.

Our Holy Communion prayer is in thanksgiving for others, and was from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

Again and again, O Lord, we beseech thy goodness and mercy to hear and accept our prayer. Cleanse us in soul and body from all carnal and spiritual stain. Grant that we may be present, innocent and blameless, before thy holy altar. May all who here pray with us have increase of spiritual strength, of faith and wisdom, ever worshipping thee freely with reverence and love. So may they share in thy holy Mysteries and become worthy of thy heavenly kingdom.

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