Thursday, December 29, 2011

St. Thomas-Archbishop of Canterbury

We have, this week, seen St. Stephen, the protomartyr, the killing of the Holy Innocents ( also called, the FLOWERS OF THE MARTYRS), St. John the Apostle all to brought to eternal life. Today we see St. Thomas of Canterbury, also called Thomas 'a Becket.
His life was something that we hopefully will see in these coming times. He was an Archbishop of the Church, and defender of the Faith. He would put the Church before the wishes of the local authorities, this time being another Henry, this one the 2nd. After banishment because he refused the king's word ahead of the Church's authority, he would be put to death in his own church, beheaded and his brain scattered all over the church to show the others what would happen if they refused the order of the king.

Will we see any Church authorities these days succumb to the world to save their necks, or will they 'man up' to save the Church? Already we see prosecutions in the Middle East, those who have given their lives for the Church. Will we see it here? How many will truly be a witness? The word martyr means 'witness'. It sure doesn't seem that there are many who will. To me, at least.

St. Thomas of Canterbury, pray for us that we might not be weak when the time comes.

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