Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday-2nd week of Advent 2011

The following is a prose in honor of the Blessed Virgin, from the Cluny missal of 1523:

Gabriel, sent from heaven, faithful bearer of the word, holds sacred converse with the holy Virgin.
In the inner chamber he discloses the good and sweet word; and inverting the name of Eve, Eva becomes Ave, his salutation Hail!
The covenant made, instantly there was present the Word made flesh; and yet the pure Maid a Virgin still for ever.
Parent like no other; Mother, yet not losing the treasure; giving birth to her child, yet not in pain or travail.
Unheard-of prodigy! 'tis so indeed, and all thou, my soul, canst do is to believe it: we have not power to loose the latchet.
It is the great, the wondrous portent of the burning bush; let him that would approach, take off the sandals from his feet.
A dry branch, with not one drop of dew, once yielded a flower and fruit; it was a new law, a new way: so was it when the Virgin brought forth her Son.
What a blessed Fruit! a Fruit of joy, not of woe. There will be no Adam deceived, if men but eat of this.
He is our Jesus, the good Jesus, lovely burden of a lovely Mother! He who has a throne in heaven, has a stable for his birth place!
May he, that for our sake was thus born, wipe away all our guilt; for our sojourn here is full of dangers.

Our prayer for Holy Communion today comes from St. John Chrysostom, and is before partaking:

Not in lightness of heart, O Christ my God, do I venture to approach thee, bu as trusting in thine infinite goodness, and in the fear that being drawn apart from thee, I may become the prey of our spiritual enemy. There do I pray unto thee, O Lord, who alone art holy, that thou wouldst sanctify me in soul and body, in heart and mind; that thou wouldst wholly renew me and fill me with reverence of thee. Be thou my help and my Guide, govern my life in the ways of peace. Make me worthy to obtain with thy saints a place at thy right hand, through the prayers and supplications of thy most pure Mother, of thy ministering Angels and Powers, and of all thy saints who from the ages have found favour before thee. Amen.

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