Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday-2nd seek of Advent 2011

First of all, we had an interesting Mass yesterday. Two busloads of school children (Catholic) were brought to our Traditional Mass as sort of a field trip, to show them this Mass, so they can compare it to the one they go to. Hopefully, some liked it and convince their parents to attend. We had incense and everything, just for them.

And now, we continue to see prayers that we don't hear anymore, from a variety of sources. The first is from the Ambrosian liturgy:

O Jesus, almighty Son of God, mercifully come and save thy people on the day of thy Nativity; and deign, with thy wonted compassion, to deliver us from all the anxieties and fears of this present time. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.

Next we hear a prayer from the 9th century by the Abbot Grimald for after Holy Communion, an act of humility:

Almighty, Eternal God, Jesus Christ our Lord, look mercifully upon my sins through this receiving of thy Body and Blood, and through the intercession of St._____, for thou didst say: "He who eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood lives continually in me and I in him." Therefore I humbly pray that thou wouldst create a clean heart in me, and renew in me an upright mine that I may deserve to share in eternal joys. Amen.

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