Wednesday, November 30, 2011

1st Wednesday of Advent

I'm a little late today with a post, since we had an instant winter, with a few inches of that white stuff on everything. And, I had 8 homes to plow out, as well as picking up a couple more. I used some muscles that I haven't used for some time. Come to me, Epsom salts! Anywho, here's today's installment. It is from the Mozarabic missal:

It is meet and just, and available to us in all things, that we always should extol, by all possible praises, thy clemency, O almighty Father, who didst create us in holiness and nobleness, and, when the fraud of the old serpent had seduced us, didst in pure mercy deliver us from death. Thou didst foretell, in past ages, that the Son, whom thou wast to send in the flesh for us, would come on this earth and would be born of a Virgin, and by thy holy prophets didst foretell the advent of his birth; and this to the end that he who had been promised, having been long expected, might give great joy to the world when he should come in the fulness of time. Wherefore we pray and beseech thee, that thou, who didst not suffer thy creature to perish, because thou art truly compassionate and merciful, but didst restore what was lost by the humble coming of thy Son, wouldst now so protect, so keep, so heal, so defend, so free, what thou hast found and repaired and restored, that in that dread coming, whereby thy Son shall come a second time to judge those by whom and for whom he himself was judged, he may so find the creatures that he has redeemed, that he may eternally possess those whom he purchased with the price of his Blood.

And now, a prayer for Holy Communion. This is from a book which I have not been able to track down. It's probably in Latin anyway, so I would be at a disadvantage. It is called "Paradisus Animae", and it is in the 'Thanksgiving prayers'; this one is for the act of trust:

'O Lord of Hosts, blessed is the man that trusts in thee. Why art thou sad, O my soul, and why dost thou trouble me? Hope in God, the fountain of all good, and the Author of all grace, whom thou hast present with thee in this Sacrament; go to him with all confidence for he is sweet and meek, and of great mercy to all that call upon him. He alone is able to give us all things, nay he is willing to give us all things, because he is supremely good. O God, my hope! my heart rejoices when I receive thee in this Sacrament, because I clearly trust that there is nothing thou wilt not give us, who hast given us thyself. In thee, O Lord, do I trust; let me not be disappointed in my hope.'

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