Sunday, October 16, 2011

18th Sunday after Pentecost

Today we heard from the 'God with us' Gospel, Matthew. It tells us about the man in sin, whose friends prayed for him and brought him to Jesus to be freed from the chains of sin. Jesus obliges. The Church continues to this day to forgive us our many sins, and will until the end of time, no matter what non-Catholics say. Jesus said it, I believe it, that settles it!

The priest who does our Latin Mass is from Sicily, and was a small child when the war was beginning to rage there. He tells us about losing a close relative, and decides to enter the priesthood. We are so glad he did. Him, along with other Italian priests, run the Saint Louis Center in Chelsea, Michigan. They house and take care of children, some of whom have grown, because their parents would not take of them any more.

They are the Servants of Charity. They were founded by Blessed Louis Guanella, who is to be canonized later this month. He was told and blessed by Pope Pius X, to start this charity to help those who can't help themselves anymore. I believe our priests had met him in his later years. Also, our main priest, Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, was told in the late 60's by another Saint, Padre Pio, to come to the U.S., because his life would be in danger if he remained in Italy. I think he was speaking unfavorably about the Mafia.

Anyway, these holy priests from Italy do our Mass most Sundays, and would probably appreciate it if people would support them in their charity. There is a large Italian community down in that area, and they do a lot! I guarantee it would be a very worthwhile donation. Maybe we could ask Fr. Guanella to help up make up our minds.

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