Monday, September 19, 2011

Missed a bunch!

I missed a bunch of important days in the Church's history, mostly because I was extremely busy. I hope to catch us today with a few of them. First of all, the Feast of the Seven Dolors of our Lady. It used to be on the third Sunday of September, but was moved to the 15th. ? Who knows why some things are the way are anymore. Here are the Seven Dolors:

1. The prophecy of the aged Simeon
2. The flight into Egypt
3. The loss of the divine Child in Jerusalem
4. The carrying of the Cross
5. The Crucifixion
6. The taking down from the Cross
7. The burial of Jesus

This was the sequence for that day, which I liked very much:

Near the cross, whilst on it hung her Son, the sorrowing Mother stood and wept.
A sword pierced her soul, that sighed, and mourned, and grieved.
Oh! how sad, and how afflicted, was that blessed Mother of an only Son!
The loving Mother sorrowed and mourned at seeing her divine Son suffer.
Who is there that would not weep to see Jesus's Mother in such suffering?
Who is there that could contemplate the Mother and the Son in sorrow, and not join his own with theirs?
Mary saw her Jesus tormented and scourged for the sins of his people.
She saw her sweet Child abandoned by all, as he breathed forth his soul and died.
Ah, Mother, fount of love, make me feel the force of sorrow; make me weep with thee!
Make this heart of mine burn with the love of Jesus my God, that so I may content his heart.
Do this, O holy Mother! deeply stamp the wounds of the Crucified upon my heart.
Let me share with thee the sufferings of thy Son, for it is for me he graciously deigned to be wounded and to suffer.
Make me lovingly weep with thee: make me compassionate with thee our crucified Jesus, as long as life shall last.
This is my desire: to stand nigh the cross with thee, and be a sharer in thy grief.
Peerless Virgin of virgins! be not displeased at my prayer: make me weep with thee.
Make me to carry the death of Jesus; make me a partner of his Passion, an adorer of his wounds.
Make me to be wounded with his wounds; make me to be inebriated with the cross and the Blood of thy Son.
And that I may not suffer the eternal flames, let me be defended by thee, O Virgin, on the day of judgment!
O Jesus! when my hour of death comes, let me, by thy Mother's aid, come to my crown of victory.
And when my body dies, oh! give to my soul the reward of heaven's glory.

Then, on the 17th, the feast of St. Francis's stigmata, which we hear nothing about anymore, honors one of the most beloved saints since the 13th century.

Now, as of this day, the Feast day of St. Januarius, Bishop and martyr.
Januarius is ever preaching the Gospel to every creature; for his miraculous blood perpetuates the testimony he bore to Christ. He was Bishop of Beneventum, and brought before the president of Campania about the profession of his Christian faith. Because he refused, he was thrown into a fire, where he came out unscathed. He was chained, and then thrown into the arena with wild animals. He was bowed down to by these same beasts. After all of this, he was beheaded. Even to this day, and on this day, his blood comes to a boil, and appears to have just been shed. Great miracles are attained on this day by this same blood.

'O holy martyrs, and thou especially, O Januarius, the leader no less by thy courage than by thy pontifical dignity, your present glory increases our longing for heaven; your past combats animate us to fight the good fight; your continual miracles confirm us in the faith. Praise and gratitude are therefore due to you on this day of your triumph; and we pay this our debt in the joy of our hearts. In return, extend to us the protection, of which the fortunate cities placed under your powerful patronage are so justly proud. Defend those faithful towns against the assaults of the evil one. In compensation for the falling away of society at large, offer to Christ our King the growing faith of all who pay you honor.'

Pray for us, saints Francis and Januarius, in these times of such turmoil and betrayal. Help us rebuild the Church of Christ.

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