Monday, August 15, 2011

The Glorious Assumption

Today is such a glorious day. Our Blessed Mother's body is taken into heaven to be reunited with her soul. According to "The City of God", she immolated her Divine Son, even to death. She died on Friday at 3pm just as her Son, on the 13th of August, and her body was assumed into heaven on Sunday, the 15th, again like her Son. Nobody in the history of the Church so copied Christ as she did. This is so awesome!

The following Missa is taken from the Church in Gaul, and was composed in early times. It's pretty cool, and sums up our sentiments exactly.

'Ineffable is the mystery of this glorious day sacred to the Mother of our Lord; yet it is meet that we praise it exceedingly, for it has been made singularly honourable by the Assumption of the Virgin. In this mystery we see birginity bearing a Son, and a death that never found its like. Her passing away was no less wonderful than her child-bearing had been joyful. Admirable in conceiving her Son by her faith, she was admirable also in her passage to God. With special joy and increased love, with faithful prayer and attentive heart, let us, beloved brethren, call upon Mary: that we may be aided and protected by her intercession, while we proclaim her a fruitful Virgin and a happy Mother, glorious in merits, and blessed in her death. Let us beseech our merciful Redeemer to deign to lead the people here present to the heaven whereunto He gloriously assumed His Blessed Mother Mary, while the Apostles stood around her. May He deign to grant us this grace who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth God for ever and ever.'

Now, I have to get ready for Mass. Our beloved bishops have thought it okay to NOT make us go to Church twice in the same week. And, since this holy day is on Monday this year, they say we have already fulfilled our obligation, since we already went yesterday. What a PANTLOAD!

Kyrie, eleison

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