Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sunday within Octave of Corpus Christi

Today, and every other day, we are invited to a Feast which had been prepared for someone else(the Jews). How fortunate we are to be among the elect to receive His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist!

I'm going to go back a couple of days to the Feast of Corpus Christi, and just listen to this beautiful prayer from the Greek church in the Mass called 'St. John Chrysostom's' mass. It is a before Communion prayer.

I believe, O Lord, and confess, that thou art Christ, Son of the living God, who camest into this world to save sinners, of whom I am the first.

"Receive me, communicating, this day, in thy mystic Supper. For I will not speak of thy mystery to thine enemies, nor, like Judas, give thee a kiss, but, like the thief, confess to thee: Remember me, O Lord, in thy kingdom!

Lord, I am not worthy that thou enter under the filthy roof of my soul: but, as thou deignedst to repose in the cave and manger of brute beasts; and in the house of Simon the leper, receive a sinner like myself, when she approached thee: deign, also, to enter into the crib of my senseless soul, and into my defiled, dead, and leprous body. And, as thou disdainedst not the unclean mouth of the sinner, who kissed thy most pure feet; so, O my Lord God, disdain not me, a sinner. But, good and merciful as thou art, vouchsafe to make me a partaker of thy most holy Body and Blood.

O my God! forgive, pardon, remit me whatsoever sins I have, either knowingly, or through ignorance, committed either by word or deed. Pardon me them all, for that thou art good and merciful; by the intercessions of thy most pure and ever virgin Mother, keep me from condemnation, that I may receive thy precious and immaculate Body unto the cure of soul and body. For thine is the kingdom, and power, and glory, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and always, and for ever and ever. Amen."

Come, Lord Jesus!

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