Saturday, April 23, 2011


What do mean the tomb is empty? What happened? Could it be? Is this what Jesus meant when He talked about raising the temple? His body? YES! It is! The souls which were once in Abraham's bosom now see that a different place has been saved for them, Heaven! In a few weeks they will be there.

Hell now knows that the name of Jesus must be respected until the end of time. Jesus has died. According to Church saints, this place, Calvary, is right above where our first parents, Adam and Eve, are buried. How appropriate! Jesus has put off the old man and put on the new man, and showed us how to do it also. Alleluia! He has made all things new!

The following is a hymn from the Office of Lauds sung during Paschal Time:

Day-dawn gilds the heavens; the air re-echoes with our hymns, the world is triumphant and glad, and hell howls with fear and rage.

This is the hour when our most mighty King freed from the deep prison of death the venerable host of the fathers, and led them to the light of life.

A numerous body of soldiers keep watch at the tomb; a stone is rolled against it, and all is sealed. But Jesus triumphs over death, and buries it in his own grave.

A bright angel cries out: "Away with mourning, tears, and grief! The conqueror of death is risen!"

That thou, O Jesus, mayst be an endless Paschal joy to our hearts, free us, who have been regenerated unto life, from the dread death of sin.

Glory be to God the Father, and to the Son who rose from the dead, and to the Paraclete, for everlasting ages. Amen.

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