Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ashes to Ashes

"Remember, O man, that thou art dust, and into dust thou shalt return!"

Let us remember during this Lenten season, not just to give up something like candy and sweets, but to pray and fast in addition to these things. These penances, these satisfactions (which the indulgence of the Church has rendered so easy), being offered to God unitedly with those of our Saviour Himself, and being rendered fruitful by that holy fellowship which blends into one common propitiatory sacrifice the good works of all the members of the Church militant, will purify our souls, and make them worthy to partake in the grand Easter joy. Let us not, then, be sad because we are to fast; let us be sad ONLY because we have sinned which makes fasting a necessity.

Kyrie, eleison

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