Sunday marked the 38th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, which allowed the mass holocaust of unborn babies. Our priest on Sunday said some things which struck a cord with me, since I am adopted. He said that every embryo has been foreordained to serve some purpose in the eyes of God Almighty. When their little lives are snuffed out by the tragic "law" of abortion, they are not able to fulfill what God had for their future achievements. When people ask why there isn't a cure for certain illnesses (ie. Cancer), they could be told that, "the person who would have found the cure had been aborted". Or, something on this order. That is very strong to think about! Tens of millions of future people, some that were set to do great things, snuffed out. I used to carry a sign at Right to Life marches which stated, "ABORTION sucks the Life out of a woman!", with the word 'ABORTION' in neon orange. Or I said to one woman who was entering, "Make sure they get all of the pieces out so you don't get an infection." I'd get some strange looks, but I hope they thought about it and changed their minds. I would also get some strange looks at work when I would have one of those models of a 10 week old fetus on my desk. When asked about it , I would tell them that this is what a 10 week old fetus looks like, even before the woman knew she was pregnant. It has a heartbeat!!!
If testing had been prevalent in the days of my adoption, discovering all of the health problems that I have had, I very well could have aborted. I think about this every January 23rd, and am entirely grateful that my birth mom chose the path she did. Even though my adoptive parents are passed on, I have no desire to search out my birth mother, since she made that decision and I have respect for that.
The ONLY 'choice' that woman really has is this, "To do what God expects of you or not!"
Lord, have mercy on us