Friday, December 10, 2010

House of Loretto

I found this reading in my "Liturgical Year". Today is a feast in Italy regarding the Holy House of Loretto, where our blessed Mother first received the Archangel Gabriel.

The house originally was, of course, in Jerusalem. In the pontificate of Celestine V in the year 1291, things which counted as holy in Palestine were somehow lost. How this happened, I don't know. It's a puzzle!? Anyway, this holy house of Mary's was carried by angels to Dalmatia, which is where Croatia is.

In the year 1294, the house was again borne by angels across the Adriatic Sea to the territory of Recanati in Italy, and placed in a forest owned by a lady called Loretta. The inhabitants of Dalmatia were sorrowful since their house had been taken. However, they erected a church where the house had been. It was dedicated to our Lady, and later served by Franciscan fathers. Over the porch this inscription was placed, "This is the place where stood the holy House of Nazareth, which now is honoured in the territory of Recanati."

Because of the popularity of this house, people began coming in droves to see it. However, they were getting mugged on their pilgrimage, so it was moved again. Another place, same problem. Hence, it had to be moved once again, this time , not in a forest, but on a main road. A town was built, called Loretto. This is where the name comes, 'The House of Loretto'.

Many popes write if this special house, and it is a Feast day in Italy. At least in 1922 it was, when this book was written. I just thought that this was interesting to know. I knew about the house and about it being moved by angels, but not about all of the troubles in the process.

Hopefully, my house is welcoming to the Lord, so that He won't have it moved or taken away.

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