Monday, December 20, 2010

Don't go there!

My better half saw yesterday an ad in the newspaper which was showing that we can shop on Christmas at Rite-Aid. We usually go there for some things instead of Walgreen's, just for the fact that Walgreen's is open all day on Christmas. Fortunately, the store near us is NOT going to be open that holy day. Good for them! We are trying to do the right thing during the shopping season.

It's kinda like people wait for Sundays and Holy days to go to Confession, instead of taking care of this beforehand, which is when I think they should. I mean, it's great that people actually go to Confession, which is surely needed. I just think they should do it where time is not pinched.

When the Great miracle happens and everybody will know their sins as God sees them, the lines will be astronomical. We should always be ready, just in case our number of days is shortened. Like a good Boy Scout, "Be Prepared".

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