Hopefully, it won't be like this. I feel sorry for the good ones who have put up with this.
Thought for the day:
"Give me grace to amend my life, and to have an eye to mine end, without grudge of death, which to them that die in thee,
good Lord, is the gate of a wealthy life." St. Thomas More
good Lord, is the gate of a wealthy life." St. Thomas More
"Three things are necessary for the salvation of man; to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do."
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas
Rights of Man?
"The people have heard quite enough about what are called the 'rights of man'. Let them hear about the rights of God for once". Pope Leo XIII Tamesti future, Encyclical
All souls owe their eternity to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, many have turned their back to him.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Are you ready?
This year is at a close, with a brand new one coming very soon. Are we ready to put off the old and put on the new? Let's all try something different this next year, and try to do what God wants us to do for a change. Not trying to be critical, but realistic in that we are supposed to always be ready for that day when we take our last breath.
Lord, help us in the coming year!
Lord, help us in the coming year!
Friday, December 24, 2010

The following hymn for the vigil of Christmas is taken from the Anthology of the Greeks:
"On a certain day, there was enrolled at Bethlehem, together with the old man Joseph, as being of the family of David, Mary, who bore in her virginal womb the Divine fruit. The time of her delivery was come, and there was no place in the inn; and instead of a splendid palace for the Queen there was but a cave.
The moment has come for the accomplishment of the mystic prophecy: 'And thou Bethlehem, land of Juda, art not the least among the princes, for thou art the first to adorn the cave. For there shall come to me from thee the leader of the nations, born of a Virgin-Maid according to the flesh; it is Christ, who is God, and He shall rule His new people of Israel.' Let us all give Him highest praise.
This is our God, and there is none other; He was born of a Virgin, and He conversed with men; the only-begotten Son becomes mortal, and is laid in a poor crib; the Lord of glory is wrapped in swaddling clothes; the star invites the Magi to adore Him, and let us sing: O holy Trinity, save our souls!
Come, all ye faithful; let us be transported with divine enthusiasm; let us look at God coming in visible form from on high and descending into Bethlehem; then raising up our minds, let us being to Him our virtues as the myrrh we offer Him, thus preparing, with faith, for His birth among us: let us sing, Glory in the highest be to God, one in three Persons, whose goodwill to man is thus made manifest! for Thou, O Jesus! the Lover of man, hast redeemed Adam and restored the work of thy hands!
Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth! let the foundations of the earth be moved, and all the earth tremble: for God the maker of man has Himself put on a created form, and He whose creative hand upheld His creatures, has, by mercy moved, clothed Himself with a body. Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are His judgments, and how unsearchable His ways!
O come, ye Christian people! let us see the prodigy that stupefies all thought and holds it in suspense; then let us devoutly adore, and sing our hymns with hearts full of faith. This day there hath come to Bethlehem a Maid that is to give birth to God! Choirs of angels are already there! Joseph, her spouse, seeing her, has already received the answer to his question: What is this mystery which I see in thee, pure Virgin? How canst thou bring forth, that never hast borne a mother's humiliation?
This day, there is born of a Virgin, He that holds in His hand the whole creation. He whose very essence 'tis to be intangible, has become mortal and is bound in swathing-bands. He who, of old, in the beginning, poised and set the heavens, is laid in a manger. He who rained down manna on His people in the desert, is fed with milk at His Mother's breast. The Spouse of the Church invites the Magi; the Son of the Virgin accepts their gifts. We adore thy Nativity, O Jesus! show unto us thy divine manifestations."
Come, Lord Jesus!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
2 Days left
We have 2 days left til our Lord comes once again to us. He keeps reminding us what we need to do to gain everlasting life. Are we listening? You know, I had a birthday last week and got gifts to pacify me. I'm thinking, what have we decided to give Christ on His birthday? There's only ONE He wants: US! Will we leave Him something under the tree for Him? How about a place at the dinner table, when we dine with our loved ones. Will we keep a place open for Him?
The Jews missed the boat on this one. They were so full of themselves that they didn't see the signs toward the Truth, Who would be coming shortly to them to save them, despite all of the prophets who announce it to them. Now I will once again copy from my book, 'The Liturgical Year' concerning this.
"O EMMANUEL! King of peace! Thou enterest today the city of Thy predilection, the city in which Thou hast placed Thy temple--Jerusalem. A few years hence the same city will give Thee Thy cross and Thy sepulchre: nay, the day will come on which Thou wilt set up Thy judgement-seat within sight of her walls. But today Thou enterest the city of David and Solomon unnoticed and unknown. It lies on Thy road to Bethlehem. Thy blessed Mother and Joseph her spouse would not lose the opportunity of visiting the temple, there to offer to the Lord their prayers and adoration. They enter; and then, for the first time, is accomplished the prophecy of Aggeus (2:10), that great shall be the glory of this last house more than of the first; for this second temple has now standing within it an ark of the Covenant more precious than was that which Moses built; and within this ark, which is Mary, is contained the God whose presence makes her the holiest of sanctuaries. The LAWGIVER Himself is in this blessed ark, and not merely, as in that of old, the tablet of stone on which the Law was graven. The visit paid, our living ark descends the steps of the temple, and sets out once more for Bethlehem, where other prophecies are to be fulfilled. We adore Thee, O Emmanuel! in this Thy journey, and we reverence the fidelity wherewith Thou fulfillest all that the prophets have written of Thee; for Thou wouldst give to Thy people the certainty of Thy being the Messias, by showing them that all the marks, whereby He was to be known, are to be found in Thee. And now, the hour is near; all is ready for Thy birth; come then, and save us; come, that Thou mayst not only be called our EMMANUEL, but our Jesus, that is, He that saves us. Amen."
One more thing. I found this prayer of St. Gertrude the Great, who received it from Jesus Himself. It's worth doing every day, in my opinion.
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with all of the Masses said throughout the world today; for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, for those within my own home, and within my family. Amen"
Our Lord promised to St. Gertrude that He would free one thousand (1000) souls from purgatory each time this prayer is said devoutly.
The Jews missed the boat on this one. They were so full of themselves that they didn't see the signs toward the Truth, Who would be coming shortly to them to save them, despite all of the prophets who announce it to them. Now I will once again copy from my book, 'The Liturgical Year' concerning this.
"O EMMANUEL! King of peace! Thou enterest today the city of Thy predilection, the city in which Thou hast placed Thy temple--Jerusalem. A few years hence the same city will give Thee Thy cross and Thy sepulchre: nay, the day will come on which Thou wilt set up Thy judgement-seat within sight of her walls. But today Thou enterest the city of David and Solomon unnoticed and unknown. It lies on Thy road to Bethlehem. Thy blessed Mother and Joseph her spouse would not lose the opportunity of visiting the temple, there to offer to the Lord their prayers and adoration. They enter; and then, for the first time, is accomplished the prophecy of Aggeus (2:10), that great shall be the glory of this last house more than of the first; for this second temple has now standing within it an ark of the Covenant more precious than was that which Moses built; and within this ark, which is Mary, is contained the God whose presence makes her the holiest of sanctuaries. The LAWGIVER Himself is in this blessed ark, and not merely, as in that of old, the tablet of stone on which the Law was graven. The visit paid, our living ark descends the steps of the temple, and sets out once more for Bethlehem, where other prophecies are to be fulfilled. We adore Thee, O Emmanuel! in this Thy journey, and we reverence the fidelity wherewith Thou fulfillest all that the prophets have written of Thee; for Thou wouldst give to Thy people the certainty of Thy being the Messias, by showing them that all the marks, whereby He was to be known, are to be found in Thee. And now, the hour is near; all is ready for Thy birth; come then, and save us; come, that Thou mayst not only be called our EMMANUEL, but our Jesus, that is, He that saves us. Amen."
One more thing. I found this prayer of St. Gertrude the Great, who received it from Jesus Himself. It's worth doing every day, in my opinion.
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with all of the Masses said throughout the world today; for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, for those within my own home, and within my family. Amen"
Our Lord promised to St. Gertrude that He would free one thousand (1000) souls from purgatory each time this prayer is said devoutly.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Don't go there!
My better half saw yesterday an ad in the newspaper which was showing that we can shop on Christmas at Rite-Aid. We usually go there for some things instead of Walgreen's, just for the fact that Walgreen's is open all day on Christmas. Fortunately, the store near us is NOT going to be open that holy day. Good for them! We are trying to do the right thing during the shopping season.
It's kinda like people wait for Sundays and Holy days to go to Confession, instead of taking care of this beforehand, which is when I think they should. I mean, it's great that people actually go to Confession, which is surely needed. I just think they should do it where time is not pinched.
When the Great miracle happens and everybody will know their sins as God sees them, the lines will be astronomical. We should always be ready, just in case our number of days is shortened. Like a good Boy Scout, "Be Prepared".
It's kinda like people wait for Sundays and Holy days to go to Confession, instead of taking care of this beforehand, which is when I think they should. I mean, it's great that people actually go to Confession, which is surely needed. I just think they should do it where time is not pinched.
When the Great miracle happens and everybody will know their sins as God sees them, the lines will be astronomical. We should always be ready, just in case our number of days is shortened. Like a good Boy Scout, "Be Prepared".
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Ready to go again
Early in the year I bought a reconditioned snow blower for a very reasonable price. Well, imagine my surprise this week to find out that it does not like to work in cold weather, just like me! It starts just fine, but dies out very quickly; also like me.
I took it back to the dealer, who, not only took it back, but gave me what I paid for it, and accepted my condition that I upgrade, which I wanted. And, just when all of the smaller ones were sold out, someone called to cancel the one she ordered. I quickly said that I would take it. And, to make it even sweeter, I received an unexpected bonus(since I'm retired) from my retiree benefits foundation (GM). This was great because I didn't have to dig into any savings for it. Bonus day! Now, I have to search for some warmer longies. I think that the refrigerator shrunk my current pair.
I took it back to the dealer, who, not only took it back, but gave me what I paid for it, and accepted my condition that I upgrade, which I wanted. And, just when all of the smaller ones were sold out, someone called to cancel the one she ordered. I quickly said that I would take it. And, to make it even sweeter, I received an unexpected bonus(since I'm retired) from my retiree benefits foundation (GM). This was great because I didn't have to dig into any savings for it. Bonus day! Now, I have to search for some warmer longies. I think that the refrigerator shrunk my current pair.
Monday, December 13, 2010
It's here!
Well, the snow is finally here. Woo woo! Now I can get busy shovelling for 8 yards. I know already how I will feel tomorrow. But, I always wish for snow for my birthday, which is in 3 days. However, I DID NOT wish for 15 degree weather. I guess it's time to get my longies out of the winter bin.
God is great in that He keeps us humble by letting us know Who is in charge.
God is great in that He keeps us humble by letting us know Who is in charge.
Friday, December 10, 2010
House of Loretto
I found this reading in my "Liturgical Year". Today is a feast in Italy regarding the Holy House of Loretto, where our blessed Mother first received the Archangel Gabriel.
The house originally was, of course, in Jerusalem. In the pontificate of Celestine V in the year 1291, things which counted as holy in Palestine were somehow lost. How this happened, I don't know. It's a puzzle!? Anyway, this holy house of Mary's was carried by angels to Dalmatia, which is where Croatia is.
In the year 1294, the house was again borne by angels across the Adriatic Sea to the territory of Recanati in Italy, and placed in a forest owned by a lady called Loretta. The inhabitants of Dalmatia were sorrowful since their house had been taken. However, they erected a church where the house had been. It was dedicated to our Lady, and later served by Franciscan fathers. Over the porch this inscription was placed, "This is the place where stood the holy House of Nazareth, which now is honoured in the territory of Recanati."
Because of the popularity of this house, people began coming in droves to see it. However, they were getting mugged on their pilgrimage, so it was moved again. Another place, same problem. Hence, it had to be moved once again, this time , not in a forest, but on a main road. A town was built, called Loretto. This is where the name comes, 'The House of Loretto'.
Many popes write if this special house, and it is a Feast day in Italy. At least in 1922 it was, when this book was written. I just thought that this was interesting to know. I knew about the house and about it being moved by angels, but not about all of the troubles in the process.
Hopefully, my house is welcoming to the Lord, so that He won't have it moved or taken away.
The house originally was, of course, in Jerusalem. In the pontificate of Celestine V in the year 1291, things which counted as holy in Palestine were somehow lost. How this happened, I don't know. It's a puzzle!? Anyway, this holy house of Mary's was carried by angels to Dalmatia, which is where Croatia is.
In the year 1294, the house was again borne by angels across the Adriatic Sea to the territory of Recanati in Italy, and placed in a forest owned by a lady called Loretta. The inhabitants of Dalmatia were sorrowful since their house had been taken. However, they erected a church where the house had been. It was dedicated to our Lady, and later served by Franciscan fathers. Over the porch this inscription was placed, "This is the place where stood the holy House of Nazareth, which now is honoured in the territory of Recanati."
Because of the popularity of this house, people began coming in droves to see it. However, they were getting mugged on their pilgrimage, so it was moved again. Another place, same problem. Hence, it had to be moved once again, this time , not in a forest, but on a main road. A town was built, called Loretto. This is where the name comes, 'The House of Loretto'.
Many popes write if this special house, and it is a Feast day in Italy. At least in 1922 it was, when this book was written. I just thought that this was interesting to know. I knew about the house and about it being moved by angels, but not about all of the troubles in the process.
Hopefully, my house is welcoming to the Lord, so that He won't have it moved or taken away.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Pope Pius IX prayer
Sanctus Christopher: December 8, Doubly Good: "Prayer of Pope Pius XII In Honor of the Immaculate Conception on the 100th anniversary of Pope Pius IX's promulgation of the dogma of the I..."
Immaculate Conception

Pope Benedict XIV ( 1740-1758) quoted from someone named Frassen, a Scotist (from John Duns Scotus) theologian, when he distinguishes between an active and and passive conception.
The former consists in the act of the parents which causes the body of the child to be formed and organized, and so prepared for the reception of the rational soul which is infused by God. The latter takes place at the moment when the rational soul is actually infused into the body by God. It is the passive, not the active, conception which Catholics have in view when they speak of the Immaculate Conception. For there was nothing miraculous in Mary's generation. She was begotten like other children. The body, while still inanimate, could not be sanctified or preserved from original sin, for it is the soul, not the body, which is capable of receiving either the gifts of grace or the stain of sin. Moreover, from the fact that Mary sprang in the common way from Adam, our first father, it follows that she was the daughter of a fallen race and incurred the "debt" or liability to contract original sin. Adam was the representative of the human race: he was put on his trial, and when he fell all his descendants fell with him, and must, unless some special mercy of God interposed, receive souls destitute of that grace in which Adam himself was created. In Mary's case, however, God's mercy did interpose. For the sake of Him who was to be born of her and for "His merits foreseen," grace was poured into her soul at the first instant of its being. Christian children are sanctioned at the font: St. John the Baptist was sanctified while still unborn. Mary was sanctified earlier still--in the first moment of her conception...He Who redeemed us redeemed her. He Who sanctified us sanctified her in her conception...Sin was a physical impossibility in the human soul of Christ, because it was hypostatically united to the Divinity. Mary, on the other hand, was sinless by the grace of God.
In another part of the book, is as follows: In this mystery it seems to me to be fitting and proper to apply those words of the prophet in Wisdom (vii,26), "The unspotted mirror of God's majesty", to our Lady's Immaculate Conception. These words have been applied to the Uncreated Wisdom, that is to say, to the Word Incarnate, who is the substantial image of His Father and the mirror of His divine perfections, because He is begotten in a splendor more pure and brilliant than the light. They, however, can be applied in a just proportion to the glorious Virgin, since Mary was conceived without sin, exempt from its original stain, destined to be the Mother of a Son Who is as far removed from sin as light is from darkness; consequently, Mary can be rightly called an unspotted mirror. Her conception also corresponds with the eternal and temporal conception of that God-man Who is to be her Son, and also represents perfectly the sanctity, purity, majesty, and the noblest attributes of God Himself.
"Let us contrast ourselves with this holy and immaculate Mother. She received grace with life, and, what is more glorious still, she kept it intact until she died. And we, alas! have been conceived and brought into the world in sin; and we have received the grace of the Sacrament of Baptism which made us friends of God.
But, what is more lamentable, we lose the benefit of this grace almost as soon as we received it, and then pass the remainder of our days in the dread uncertainty of forgiveness. For it must be confessed. to our shame, that we, for the most part, remain in a state of grace so long as we are unacquainted with sin. It seems to me that there may be a contradiction between innocence and reason, and that they may clash together unless they are kept apart." LE PERE DE LA COLOMBIERE, S.J.
I had a discussion with one of my coworkers one day after he mentioned Jesus's immaculate conception. Now he was a United Brethren minister, but he at least would listen to reason. I asked him that, if he could put together his own mother, wouldn't he want her to be as perfect as possible? He answered in the affirmative. I told him that Jesus did too, and that the Immaculate Conception was for her, because Jesus didn't need it since He was God. It seemed to make sense to him. May God rest his soul. And this does make perfect sense. Nobody tells God what He can or cannot do! If He chose to do this, then so be it!
She is the new Ark of the covenant, the moon that gets it light from the Sun, the mirror which reflects her Son's image, the sacred vessel which contained the sacred Body of our Lord, and so on. If we'd quit trying to put limits on what God can do, maybe we could come to the truth in a fuller sense.
I will finish with some words from St. Anselm, a holy Doctor of the Church, "...it was just that this holy Virgin should be adorned with the greatest purity which can be conceived after that of God Himself, since God the Father was to give to her, as her Child, that only-begotten Son, whom He loved as Himself, as being begotten to Him from His own bosom; and this in such a manner, that the selfsame Son of God was, by nature, the Son of both God the Father and this blessed Virgin. This same Son chose her to be substantially His Mother; and the Holy Ghost willed that in her womb He would operate the conception and birth of Him from whom He Himself proceeded."
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
USS Arizona

I added this blog, because I couldn't figure out how to add another picture at the end where I wanted it. I figure it out someday, and you'll be the first to know. After me, of course!
Also, I found out some things I didn't know before about St. Nicolas. First of all, he was called a 'thaumaturgus', which means a 'miracle-worker'. And, where he is buried, a stream of oil has been emanating from his tomb since his death, from which there have been many miracles, cures, etc. Very interesting, indeed!
Pearl Harbor and more

This plunged us into World War II, thus changing us forever. We will remember those 1100+ souls which are still entrapped in the USS Arizona.
On another note, this is the day of St. Ambrose. St. Athanasius was not the only Bishop who opposed the Arian heresy in the 4th century. He, along with St. Ambrose and St. Nicholas(you've heard of him), opposed this heresy. There were 318 bishops who did. These were 3 of them. I didn't know that there were that many bishops around during those times. I do know that the pope of the time, who pretty much condemned St. Athanasius, is the first pope to NOT be made a saint in the Church. DON'T MESS WITH GOD OR HIS CHURCH!
Lord, teach us to remember the coming of YOU the first time, and be forever grateful for it.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The First week of Advent--Wednesday
Earlier this year, I purchased a set of fifteen books for the Liturgical Year by the Abbott Gueranger, O.S.B. It was written in 1927, and has some incredible prayers which are not read, except by holy priests during their Holy Office. I don't know why we don't get to hear them, because some of them are just too beautiful to not be heard. Occasionally, I will try to sneak some of them in during my postings. The following one is for Wednesday from the Mozarabic Missal. I know this isn't Wednesday, but I just read it today.
It is meet and just, and available to us in all things, that we always should extol, by all possible praises, thy clemency, O almighty Father, who didst create us in holiness and nobleness, and, when the fraud of the old serpent had seduced us, didst in pure mercy deliver us from death. Thou didst foretell, in past ages, that the Son, whom thou wast to send in the flesh for us, would come on this earth and would be born of a Virgin, and by thy holy prophets didst foretell the advent of His birth; and this to the end that He who had been promised, having been long expected, might give great joy to the world when He should come in the fulness of time. Wherefore we pray and beseech thee, that thou, who didst not suffer thy creature to perish, because thou art truly compassionate and merciful, but didst restore what was lost by the humble coming of thy Son, wouldst now so protect, so keep, so heal, so defend, so free, what thou hast found and repaired and restored, that in that dread coming, whereby thy Son shall come a second time to judge those by whom and for whom He Himself was judged, He may so find the creatures that He has redeemed, that He may eternally possess those whom He purchased with the price of His Blood. Amen
It is meet and just, and available to us in all things, that we always should extol, by all possible praises, thy clemency, O almighty Father, who didst create us in holiness and nobleness, and, when the fraud of the old serpent had seduced us, didst in pure mercy deliver us from death. Thou didst foretell, in past ages, that the Son, whom thou wast to send in the flesh for us, would come on this earth and would be born of a Virgin, and by thy holy prophets didst foretell the advent of His birth; and this to the end that He who had been promised, having been long expected, might give great joy to the world when He should come in the fulness of time. Wherefore we pray and beseech thee, that thou, who didst not suffer thy creature to perish, because thou art truly compassionate and merciful, but didst restore what was lost by the humble coming of thy Son, wouldst now so protect, so keep, so heal, so defend, so free, what thou hast found and repaired and restored, that in that dread coming, whereby thy Son shall come a second time to judge those by whom and for whom He Himself was judged, He may so find the creatures that He has redeemed, that He may eternally possess those whom He purchased with the price of His Blood. Amen
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Meaning of Christmas

Well, the mowing is done for the season, the leaves have been raked (I hate this job, and I have 8 yards to do), the snow is beginning, and Christ is on His way once again.
I found this reading from a 1891 book, which describes different parts of our Faith. It was written by a French priest and poet, Laurent Juillard (1658-1730). It pretty much says it all, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
My brethren, let us gaze upon the Son of God in the poverty of His birth. What does He not say to us there? Let us enter in spirit into the stable; we shall hear a voice issuing therefrom, saying--
Blush at having beautiful houses like unto palaces, such grand furniture, so much useless apparel, whilst I have only a crib instead of a bed, and two vile animals for company. Blush in those magnificent rooms wherein you try to be sheltered from the least inconveniences of the season, whilst a half-exposed stable leaves Me prey to all the hardships of a cold season.
Blush at the aversion you have for every kind of humiliation, at the precautions you take to continue in a condition that flatters your vanity, at the artifices you employ to conceal a poverty you ought to be proud of, at the contempt you display to all who are not within the pale of your society.
Blush to bear, perchance, the insignia of the poverty and humiliations of Jesus Christ in your state of life, and yet try to aspire to the pomp and luxury of the world shining around.
Let us contemplate this scene as faith points out; let us enter this manger in spirit; let us see this hidden Deity who, in the darkness of night, when all creatures are silent--in want of every necessity, and is made poor to enrich us.
This Child is born in an empty stable, deserted by every one; it is the "God who created them, and whom they obey; it is the everlasting Wisdom which assists at all the councils of God, and which it has possessed from the beginning of time.
This divine wisdom, hidden in the limbs of an infant, was begotten in the brightness of the saints.
Ungrateful, deluded man, you who have not wished to know this divine wisdom in the richness of His beauty, see Him now in the poverty of a stable! Laden as you have been with so many benefits and blessings, you have not recognized the hand which has spread them over you with such profusion; you have closed your ears to that striking voice which appeals to you with as many mouths as there are creatures: O man, adore thy God! His ingenious love has suggested another voice to persuade you: He teaches you through the poverty of the crib: "Now, therefore, my children, hear me" (Prov. viii)
Ah, my brethren! What does not this divine Child say, that eternal Word which is now so silent?
No occasion to seek for rules of piety to lead us on, for we learn all that we need know and practice in this adorable book. All the prophets, all the doctors, all the apostles speak through the mouth of Him who has opened theirs. The stable at Bethlehem is the school where all Christians ought to study the science of salvation. All the ways to heaven, every path of virtue, begin and finish through Him who is the Alpha and the Omega, and being the way, the truth, and the life, He has opened the way to heaven to all.
Providence of my God, exclaims St. Bernard, how wonderful art Thou! Carnal and animal creatures have no conception of the works of God. Even wisdom itself is made flesh to make it intelligible to men of flesh.
It is not longer through men, full of a holy fear, that God proclaims His oracles; mysterious messages in shrouded language no longer issue from the mountain top amidst thunder and lightning; these are heard no more. It is from the farther end of a grotto, it is from the height of a crib, it is in the silence of night, it is the mouth of a Child wrapped in swaddling clothes that the Incarnate Wisdom exclaims, "Behold, to thee wisdom is manifested in the flesh."
Come, ye profound philosophers, ye refined politicians, ye clever men--enter into the stable; there is your lyceum, your academy; deposit your proud learning, your studied lessons, your captious rhetoric at the feet of this adorable Doctor who exposes the vanity, errors, and littleness of everything.
Let all the fire of eloquence, all the pride of wisdom, all the subtlety of philosophy, all the refinements of policy, disappear at the sight of this divine Child: Ecce tibi in carne exhibetur sapientia.
Preachers of the Gospel, happy organs of the eternal Word who sends you; you whom as well as St. John the Baptist, are only voices to proclaim the glory of God in every temple, kneel before this Child and acknowledge the Master who has loosened the tongues of the prophets and apostles, who has inspired the martyrs and young virgins with words that astonished tyrants and confounded pagan philosophers; and when you shall have adored Him silently and humbly, lost in wonder, speak and consecrate every ornament of eloquence to the praise and glory of Him who has endowed you with gifts.
Happy the docile listeners who, opening their hearts to that invisible Preacher who speaks to them through your mouths, can hear the voice of our Lord in those of men!
Teach us, then, O Child divine! We speak in Your place simply to exhort Christians to hear You instead of hearing us.
Du Jarry
On Christ-tide
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