Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Just remembering everyone to get out and vote next Tuesday. It is our duty as free citizens to do this, while we still can. We need to weed out the chaff of the government. We need some new ideas, because the old standard isn't working. Our fore-fathers are probably turning over in their graves(if it is possible), seeing what our POTUS is doing to the Constitution. Of course, he wants to dispense with it altogether. People need to wake up, smell the rotting roses, get off their butts, do some homework, and get out and vote. Our future, as we as future generations, depend on it.

Besides, I'm so sick of the mud-slinging that has been going on. The dems with their outright lies make me sick. Anybody with half a brain should be able to see through the sludge. Get off of facebook, i-pods, computer games, etc. Do some research, for crying out loud! Jay Leno on late nites frequently goes Jay-walking to see what people think about politics. Usually, these people have no idea who anybody is or what is going on in the world. But, they sure know all of the people on Jersey Shore and what they're up to. Also, "reality" shows. Pathetic! AND, they are voting and breeding! I'll tell you what. Our future is not too bright if people like this are our future.

We need desperately need Our Lady more than ever. She tried to warn us about this, but people refused to listen. Now look at the state of our beautiful country. Maybe, just maybe, if we get enough people praying again, we can once again put America in God's good graces.

Kyrie, eleison

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