Saturday, October 30, 2010


Tomorrow is the feast of Christ the King. Jesus: "My kingdom is not of this world," but it is in the world. He came to establish a kingdom of truth for our intellect; a kingdom of justice and holiness for our will; a kingdom of love and peace for our heart. If we follow Him, He will lead us into His eternal kingdom.

Remember when Pilate and Jesus were face to face at the "trial", when Jesus answered that He was in fact a King, and said that He had come into the world to bear witness to the truth? He said that everyone who is of the truth hears His voice. And remember that Pilate turned and walked away from Him and said, "What is truth?" How many people do we know who turn away from the truth when it is presented to them? Too many to count. How many think that this is just another Sunday? They need many prayers.

Lord, have mercy. Please?

"We have no government armed with power capable contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

John Adams

Remember that the election is only 3 days away now. Vote as if your life depends on it, because it does. We need to ask the prayers of the ever-virgin Mary, our eternal Mother, that she obtain for our country the privilege to be in the good graces of God again by sending us better representatives.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Just remembering everyone to get out and vote next Tuesday. It is our duty as free citizens to do this, while we still can. We need to weed out the chaff of the government. We need some new ideas, because the old standard isn't working. Our fore-fathers are probably turning over in their graves(if it is possible), seeing what our POTUS is doing to the Constitution. Of course, he wants to dispense with it altogether. People need to wake up, smell the rotting roses, get off their butts, do some homework, and get out and vote. Our future, as we as future generations, depend on it.

Besides, I'm so sick of the mud-slinging that has been going on. The dems with their outright lies make me sick. Anybody with half a brain should be able to see through the sludge. Get off of facebook, i-pods, computer games, etc. Do some research, for crying out loud! Jay Leno on late nites frequently goes Jay-walking to see what people think about politics. Usually, these people have no idea who anybody is or what is going on in the world. But, they sure know all of the people on Jersey Shore and what they're up to. Also, "reality" shows. Pathetic! AND, they are voting and breeding! I'll tell you what. Our future is not too bright if people like this are our future.

We need desperately need Our Lady more than ever. She tried to warn us about this, but people refused to listen. Now look at the state of our beautiful country. Maybe, just maybe, if we get enough people praying again, we can once again put America in God's good graces.

Kyrie, eleison

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Motherhood of Mary

This week has been a busy one, indeed. A painting job which entailed all cutting in, because each wall has a panel on it. No rollers! A giant pain, but well worth the pay. And, mowing 7 yards between rain drops. I'm just not that agile anymore. And some plumbing. Busy, indeed. That is why I haven't written earlier. But, now to the more important stuff.

Monday was the day celebrating the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was the 1500th year after the Council of Ephesus, where Mary was called the "Mother of God". It is as simple as this, as in geometry:

1) Mary is the mother of Jesus
2) Jesus is God
3) Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God

It IS that simple.

Also, this week was the 93rd anniversary of the Great Miracle of Fatima. It was witnessed by 70,000 people, many of who were skeptics. Some of them converted, or reverted to the Faith which they had abandoned. Mary brought them back! I said "no" to the Catholic Church once, because I thought there was too much to know and learn. Hah! Mary brought me back also. She knew that I was just stubborn enough to learn and defend the Faith once I learned it. Hopefully, she was right. After all, my name means "soldier" in Latin! Now days I can't seem to know and learn enough. Go figure.