Thursday, September 9, 2010


What are these people thinking? In the news lately, we are hearing about the "pastor" in Florida, who plans on burning copies of the quran on 9/11. I support his right to free speech, but his means are questionable. I DO hope he holds his ground, not to cave in to Hillary, generals, BO, and the like, in not changing his mind. He is right in that islam is of the devil, and therefore shouldn't be adhered to. But, he is just making the situation worse. I would be surprised if something doesn't happen to him and/or his property and followers.

To top this off, here in Lansing, we have a woman pastor in East Lansing, who will be reading from the quran on 9/11. This woman, who apparently doesn't believe what St. Paul says, that women are NOT to speak in church, is just another useful IDIOT! She is kissing the back side of the moslems, thus also making the whole mess worse. She would probably be one of the first to convert to this "peaceful" religion if she had to choose between that and being put to death. This IS the moslem belief if we don't adhere and convert. Wake up people!

We have to remember that God is still the throne, and prayer does work.

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