Thursday, September 23, 2010

Different times?

Are we living in such different times than we were in the 60's? I am currently reading a book by my friend, William M. Price, entitled "Vietnam in Wonderland". He is describing what was going on over there in Nam, and also what was happening right here in the U.S. Right up there are Kissinger, Hanoi Jane, and a bunch of other losers who were running the government. It started out to help the South Vietnamese get out from under the Communist regime of North Vietnam, which was supported by China, our current 'most favored trading partner'(thanks to Billy Clinton). After a while, it was determined by Kissinger that it was an unwinnable and unworthy war, thus fueling the anti-war marches, and led by anti-American politicians who opposed the war. It could have been won, but was squashed by bureaucrats.

Is the 'war' in Iraq and Pakistan any different than that period of time? It is pretty much the same, except that this time the war is not winnable. We shouldn't be there in this bogus war! We taught them how to stave off the Russians during the 80's. Do we really think that we can conquer them now? And we STILL have losers in the government! These are much worse, seeing that they have a muslim leading them, no matter what he calls himself. If he was born a muslim, he's a muslim! Period! Besides this, we have our National Guard troops over there. They are NOT international troops. In the New World Order, we are the police department. We are being railroaded into thinking that this is all for our good. We are too stupid to realize this and to act upon it.

These Guards should be here protecting us as it should be. Our troops should be here to protect us. Our enemies are here already. The ragheads, the Chinese, the Communists, etc. They are just waiting for their cue. It will be a cakewalk. People's heads are in a dark spot. I say to them, "Keep pushing until it reappears!"

Lord, have mercy

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