Monday, June 7, 2010

Old friends

I just got done talking to a couple of friends who I went to school with a thousand years ago. It was good speaking to them again. Maybe we'll be in touch more. It would be nice. When you think about old school friends or people you knew when you were working, but now days don't see them at all or even talk to them anymore, it's kind of sad. But when you reconnect once again, life seems to be a much happier place, especially with all that goes on in the world these days.

It's like being away from the Church for so many years, to be in touch again with what is important. Everything else seems so trivial. I myself wasn't away from the Church, because I wasn't Catholic then. Maybe it's better to be a convert(as shown in my first blog), because you appreciate it even more, knowing that Christ and His Blessed Mother kept reeling me in until I reached the boat. Or call that an Ark, because I feel so much safer now than in my wilder days, when church meant nothing to me. It was a place where you went on Easter and Christmas. What a shame!

Kyrie eleison

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