Thursday, June 17, 2010

New York=Mecca?

I was just watching a video on Youtube about the muslims building a mosque just hundreds of feet away from Ground Zero, where 3000 people were incinerated or died from exposure to the dust and smoke. I'm using small letters for "muslims" and "islam", because they're not worthy of anything capitalized, in my humble opinion.

They have proposed to build a mosque at the heart of the tragedy, supposedly to honor the fallen. What a pantload this is! It is an insult to any right thinking person, although there are not that many of them anymore. People need to wake up, and stop kissing up to the ENEMY. They are NOT a peace-loving "religion". They want to rule the world. Did you notice that the Queen of England had a birthday celebration just last week? A muslim mentioned that when they take Buckingham Palace over to be a mosque, the Queen will either have to convert or move. See how pompous they are?

The muslims have already taken over Europe with their violence. London also has been pretty much taken over by the same. Just name any major city in Europe, and you find the same.

Our POTUS probably doesn't see any problem with all of this. He doesn't even want an American flag at his ramblings. Any one see an American pin on his lapel? This is because he is muslim. He is all for this crap. He even bowed to the king of some arab land. i can't remember because I'm so ticked off right now just thinking about this nonsense. I had better quit now until I get back together.


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