Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just thoughts

Tomorrow is the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. He was sanctified in the womb of Elizabeth by Jesus Christ Himself. They communicated with each other(since Jesus was in Mary's womb at the same time) spiritually. He was called the greatest prophet ever by Jesus during His ministry. John called for repentance and baptism. How much simpler can we get than that? He was beheaded by Herod for speaking the truth. We should ask him for prayers to help us speak the truth, not considering the consequences.

On another topic, we here in the Lansing diocese, we seem to have a self-proclaimed martyr in the form of a priest. He thinks that since so many people disagree with him, Jesus will be welcoming him with open arms at his demise, calling him a great servant. He does have potential, but all that changed when he was awarded a parish. 180 degree u-turn. He recently says he was asked by our bishop to see if there was any interest in forming a Latin-Rite parish. This wasn't even mentioned in bulletins or anywhere. Just him. Of course, he would be the celebrant, and I'm sure the nervous-order calendar will be used, since he detests using the old one. Doesn't see the what the big deal is. He has reported that he has had death threats, but they are probably made up by him, since he IS a martyr and all. He needs many prayers.

For all those who don't seem to want to learn the Faith, here is what a saint says:

"Ignorance is no excuse when we have neglected to learn what we are obligated to know." St. Ambrose

On another note, concerning where the country seems to be going through our king of the world, King B.O., here's what another famous person had to say:

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy". James Madison

Do we have this? Yes, with our armed forces in many places of the world, supposedly protecting us. They should be here, since our enemies are, and ready to go.

Lord, have mercy on us, since we are sooooo messed up.

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