Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lukewarm ain't so hot

Tomorrow's Gospel reading has Jesus casting out demons. He ends up stating that if we are not with Him, we are against Him. Which side do you want to be on? No matter how unpopular, we need to be on the side of Him Who conquers all things. It is usually a choice that will be followed by ridicule, even by our own family and "close" friends. Get ready. It will happen, if it hasn't yet.
Also in the Gospel, a woman tells Jesus, "Blessed is the womb that bore Thee, and the paps that gave Thee suck." Jesus then says, "Yea, rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God, and keep it." By this He was absolutely not slamming His mother. She was already so blessed, even beyond all the saints combined. She heard the word of God better than we could possibly understand, and kept it totally throughout her life better than anyone in history.
We need to keep the fire of the love of God as close to our hearts as we can.
Remember, lukewarm "ain't so hot".

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