Saturday, February 27, 2010


Tomorrow is the Transfiguration of our Lord in front of the three Apostles. Can you imagine what that must have been like? Probably made them think that they were going to die at any moment. Having fears like this only to have Jesus say, "Do not be afraid." Only if we are under the influence of sin would we be shivering in our boots. I just hope that the end of my life, I can say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the Faith."
Have you ever wondered why you keep committing the same faults over and over again? I do. I'm a repeater. It's very frustrating! It makes me think of the St. Augustine prayer for after Communion. Maybe it should be before Confession.

Before Thine eyes, O Lord, we bring our sins, and we compare them to the stripes we have received.
It we examine the evil we have wrought, what we suffer is little, what we deserve is great.
What we have committed is very grievous, what we have suffered is very slight.
We feel the punishment of sin, yet withdraw not from the obstinacy of sinning.
Under Thy lash our inconstancy is visited, but our neck is not bent.
Our life groans under sorrow, yet amends not in deed.
If Thou spare us, we correct not our ways; if Thou punish, we cannot endure it.
In time of correction we confess our wrongdoing; after Thy visitation we forget that we have wept.
if Thou stretchest forth Thy hand, we promise amendment; If Thou strikest, we cry out for mercy.
If Thou sparest, we again provoke Thee to strike.
Here we are before Thee, O Lord, confessedly guilty; we know that unless Thou pardon we shall deservedly perish.
Grant then, O almighty Father, without our deserving it, the pardon we ask; Thou Who madest out of nothing those who ask Thee.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

V. Deal not with us, O Lord, according to our sins.
R. Neither reward us according to our iniquities

Let us pray.

O God, Who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy suppliant people, and turn away the scourges of Thy wrath, which we deserve for our sins. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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