Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Keep the Faith

There is nothing more necessary to the Christian than confidence in God. Never lose it, and it will be with you all the days of your life.
St. Bernard

Here's a little poem I found tonight. It's addressed to St. Joan of Arc

O valiant maiden of Orleans,
Leader in armies, model for heroines,
Inspirer of kings and queens;
O heaven instructed shepherdess
detect the beastly faithlessness
in sheep's fleece and shepherds dress.
O gallant bearer in the field,
Of Mary's banner and Michael's shield;
teach us to fight and not to yield;
To stare beyond the passing cloud,
To dare the mighty and the proud,
To stand alone amidst the crowd.

KEEP THE FAITH! Do not lose heart! Fight as it your life depends on it, because your eternal one does. In these times, it doesn't just feel that we are outnumbered, we are. But we have God on our side, and He will NOT lose.

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