Saturday, February 13, 2010


Today my wife and I went to confession at a local Church in Lansing, and imagine what I found. In the back there was a table set up with various things for Lent. One of these was a plain black book with meditations for Lent. When I opened it up, it said it was based on the writings of Bishop Kenneth Utener, now deceased, and formerly of the Saginaw diocese. The same was invited to speak one time at this same church.
Toward the end of his speech, there was a question and answer period, with cards to be filled out with the question or comment. Whenever I want to find out where someone is coming from in regards to Tradional Church teachings, I ask them the same question: "I am a convert to the Catholic Faith, and I heard from that the Catholic Church was the One founded by our Lord Jesus Christ. Is this true?"
His response was, "Absolutely not!" He went to add the same old tripe that all religions have a little bit truth and, when put together, add up to the entire truth. This is absolutely not true, because the Catholic Church is the center, with the others branching from it. The then pastor looked right at me because he knew that I was the one asking that question. He had heard it before. I looked at him and pointed at the Bishop and mouthed, "I got his number." He then somehow seem to be like a thermometer, with the mercury going up rapidly. He was busted.
This is the type of nonsense we have to put up with these days. These are the "wolves in sheep's clothing". We are to aware and on guard always, because we are surrounded. The line of defense is the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His Blessed Mother, Mary. They will protect us, but we need to ask.

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