Tuesday, December 29, 2015

St. Thomas a'Beckett

St. Thomas-Archbishop of Canterbury
We have, this past week, seen St. Stephen, the protomartyr, St. John the Evangelist, the killing of the Holy Innocents ( also called, the FLOWERS OF THE MARTYRS), all to brought to eternal life. Today we see St. Thomas of Canterbury, also called Thomas 'a Becket.

His life was something that we hopefully will see in these coming times. He was an Archbishop of the Church, and defender of the Faith. He would put the Church before the wishes of the local authorities, this time being another Henry, this one the 2nd. After banishment because he refused the king's word ahead of the Church's authority, he would be put to death in his own church, beheaded and his brain scattered all over the church to show the others what would happen if they refused the order of the king.

Will we see any Church authorities these days succumb to the world to save their necks, or will they 'man up' to save the Church? Already we see prosecutions in the Middle East, those who have given their lives for the Church. Will we see it here? How many will truly be a witness? The word martyr means 'witness'. It sure doesn't seem that there are many who will. To me, at least.

A synopsis of his life:

Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr

Saint Thomas, son of an English nobleman, Gilbert Becket, was born on the day consecrated to the memory of Saint Thomas the Apostle, December 21, 1117, in Southwark, England. He was endowed by both nature and grace with gifts recommending him to his fellow men; and his father, certain he would one day be a great servant of Christ, confided his education to a monastery. His first employment was in the government of the London police. There he was obliged to learn the various rights of the Church and of the secular arm, but already he saw so many injustices imposed upon the clergy that he preferred to leave that employment rather than to participate in iniquity. He was perfectly chaste and truthful, and no snares could cause to waver his hatred for any form of covert action.

He was employed then by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who sent him on missions to Rome and permitted him to study civil law at the University of Bologna (Italy) for an entire year. After a few years, witnessing his perfect service, he made him his Archdeacon and endowed him with several benefices. The young cleric's virtue and force soon recommended him also to the king, who made of him his Lord Chancellor. In that high office, while inflexible in the rendition of justice, he was generous and solicitous for the relief of misery. He was severe towards himself, spending the better part of every night in prayer. He often employed a discipline, to be less subject to the revolts of the flesh against the spirit. In a war with France he won the respect of his enemies, including that of the young king Louis VII. To Saint Thomas, his own sovereign, Henry II, confided the education of the crown prince. Of the formation of the future king and the young lords who composed his suite, the Chancellor took extreme care, knowing well that the strength of a State depends largely on the early impressions received by the elite of its youth.

When Archbishop Theobald of Canterbury died, the king insisted on the consecration of Saint Thomas in his stead. Saint Thomas at first declined, warning the king that from that hour their friendship would be threatened by his own obligations to uphold the rights of the Church against infringement by the sovereign, whose tendencies were not different from those of his predecessors. In the end he was obliged by obedience to yield. The inevitable conflict was not long in coming. Saint Thomas resisted when the king's courtiers drew up a list of royal "customs" at Clarendon, where the parliament of the king was assembled, and Henry obliged all the bishops as well as the lords to sign a promise to uphold these without permitting any restrictions whatsoever. Many of these pretended "customs" violated the liberties of the Church, and some were even invented for the occasion. Saint Thomas, obliged in conscience to resist, was soon the object of persecution, not only from the irritated king but by all who had sworn loyalty to his nefarious doings.

Saint Thomas took refuge in France under the protection of the generous Louis VII, who resisted successfully the repeated efforts of Henry to turn away his favor from the Archbishop. The Pope at that time was in France, and he, too, was besieged by Henry's emissaries, but knew well how to pacify minds and protect the defender of the Church. Thomas retired to a Benedictine monastery for two years, and when Henry wrote a threatening letter to its abbot, moved to another. After six years, his office restored as the Pope's apostolic legate, a title which Henry had wrested from him for a time, he returned to England, to preach again and enforce order in his see. He knew well that it was to martyrdom that he was destined; it is related that the Mother of God appeared to him in France to foretell it to him, and that She presented him for that intention with a red chasuble. By this time the persecuted Archbishop's case was known to all of Christian Europe, which sympathized with him and elicited from king Henry an appearance of conciliation.

A few words which the capricious Henry spoke to certain courtiers who hated Thomas, sufficed for the latter to decide to do away with the prelate who contravened all their unchristian doings. They violated a monastic cloister and chapel to enter there while he was assisting at Vespers; the Saint himself prevented the monks from resisting the assassins at the door. Refusing to flee the church as the assassins summoned him to do, he was slain before the altar, by cruel and murderous repeated blows on the head.

The murderers followed him. 'Absolve', they cried, 'and restore to communion those whom you have excommunicated, and restore their powers to those whom you have suspended.' He answered, 'There has been no satisfaction, and I will not absolve them.' 'Then you shall die,' they cried, 'and receive what you deserve.' 'I am ready,' he replied, 'to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and peace. But in the name of Almighty God, I forbid you to hurt my people whether clerk or lay.'

Then they lay sacrilegious hands on him, pulling and dragging him that they may kill him outside the church, or carry him away a prisoner, as they afterwards confessed. But when he could not be forced away from the pillar, one of them pressed on him and clung to him more closely. Him he pushed off calling him 'pander', and saying, 'Touch me not, Reginald; you owe me fealty and subjection; you and your accomplices act like madmen.'

The knight, fired with a terrible rage at this severe repulse, waved his sword over the sacred head. 'No faith', he cried, 'nor subjection do I owe you against my fealty to my lord the King.'

Then the unconquered martyr seeing the hour at hand which should put an end to this miserable life and give him straightway the crown of immortality promised by the Lord, inclined his neck as one who prays and joining his hands he lifted them up, and commended his cause and that of the Church to God, to St. Mary, and to the blessed martyr Denys. Scarce had he said the words than the wicked knight, fearing lest he should be rescued by the people and escape alive, leapt upon him suddenly and wounded this lamb who was sacrificed to God on the head, cutting off the top of the crown which the sacred unction of the chrism had dedicated to God; and by the same blow he wounded the arm of him who tells this. For he, when the others, both monks and clerks, fled, stuck close to the sainted Archbishop and held him in his arms till the one he interposed was almost severed.

Then he received a second blow on the head but still stood firm. At the third blow he fell on his knees and elbows, offering himself a living victim, and saying in a low voice, 'For the Name of Jesus and the protection of the Church I am ready to embrace death.'

Then the third knight inflicted a terrible wound as he lay, by which the sword was broken against the pavement, and the crown which was large was separated from the head. The fourth knight prevented any from interfering so that the others might freely perpetrate the murder.

As to the fifth, no knight but that clerk who had entered with the knights, that a fifth blow might not be wanting to the martyr who was in other things like to Christ, he put his foot on the neck of the holy priest and precious martyr, and, horrible to say, scattered his brain and blood over the pavement, calling out to the others, 'Let us away, knights; he will rise no more.' He died, saying: "I die willingly, for the name of Jesus and for the defense of the Church."

The actions of the Pope in this conflict make clear what all of history teaches: the lives of the Church's Saints themselves comprise the history of the world. The humility of Thomas had prompted him, after a moment of weakness he had manifested in a difficult situation, to judge himself unfit for his office and offer his resignation as Archbishop. The Pope did not hesitate a moment in refusing his resignation. He judged with apostolic wisdom that if Thomas should be deprived of his rank for having opposed the unjust pretensions of the English royalty, no bishop would ever dare oppose the impingements of iniquity on the Church's rights, and the Spouse of Christ would be no longer sustained by marble columns, but by reeds bending in the wind.

St. Thomas of Canterbury, pray for us that we might not be weak when and if the time comes.

Monday, December 28, 2015


Two days ago, we celebrated the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our redemption had begun. Yesterday, St. Stephen's day is celebrated because he was the first one to be martyred after Christ died. Today, we think about the Holy Innocents, the babies who were slaughtered by Herod, thinking he would get this Christ child. So these kids were actually the first to die for Christ. They didn't even know why. But I'm sure they are well taken care of.

The Feast of the Holy Innocents
by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876

By the Holy Innocents, who are honored as martyrs today by the Catholic Church, we understand those happy infants, who, by the command of King Herod, were put to death, for no other cause than that the new-born King of the Jews might be deprived of life. When Christ was born, Herod, well known for his cruelty, reigned at Jerusalem. He was not of the Jewish nation, but a foreigner, and was therefore hated by the Jews. Herod knew this well; hence he feared that they would dethrone him, and he had several illustrious persons executed, whom he suspected of aspiring to the throne. Meanwhile it happened that the three Magi or Kings from the East came to Jerusalem, to find and adore the new-born King, who had been announced to them by a star; as they doubted not that they would learn more of Him in the capital of Judea. They therefore asked without hesitation: "Where is he, that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to adore him."

This question seemed very strange to the Jews, and the news of it spread through the whole city, until it reached the King. His fear can hardly be described; for he already believed his crown and sceptre lost. To escape the danger in which he supposed himself, he called the chief priests and scribes together, and inquired of them where the Messiah should be born. They answered: "In Bethlehem, according to the Prophets." Satisfied with this answer, Herod had the three wise men brought to court, and speaking very confidentially with them, he asked diligently when and where the star had appeared to them. After this, he advised them to go to Bethlehem and inquire after the new-born child, and when they had found and adored it, to return and inform him, as he wished to go and adore it also. These words of the king, who was not less cunning than cruel, were only a deceit, as he had already resolved to kill the new-born child.

Meanwhile the Magi followed the advice of the king, and, guided by the star, which again appeared to them when they had left Jerusalem, went to Bethlehem, found and adored the divine Child, and offered gold, frankincense and myrrh, as we read in Holy Writ. Having finished their devotion, they intended, in accordance with king Herod's wish, to bring him word that they had happily found the Child. An angel, however, appeared to them in their sleep and admonished them not to return to Jerusalem, but to go into their own country by another way; which they accordingly did. When Herod perceived that they had deluded him, it was too late, and his rage was boundless. Hearing of what had taken place in the temple, at the Purification of Mary, that the venerable Simeon had pronounced a child, which he had taken into his arms, the true Messiah, the King's heart was filled with inexpressible fear and anxiety. The danger in which he was, as he imagined, of losing his crown, left him no peace day or night. He secretly gave orders to search for this child; but all was of no avail; it could not be found.

After long pondering how he might escape the danger, his unbounded ambition led him to an act of cruelty unprecedented in history. He determined to murder all the male children, in and around Bethlehem, that were not over two years of age, as he thought that thus he could not fail to take the life of the child so dangerous to him. This fearful design was executed amidst the despairing shrieks of the parents, especially the mothers. How many children were thus inhumanly slaughtered is not known, but the number must have been very large. Yet the tyrant gained not his end; for, the divine Child was already in security. The Gospel tells us that an Angel appeared during the night to St. Joseph, saying to him: "Arise, take the child and his mother, and fly into Egypt, and remain there until I tell thee. For, it will come to pass that Herod will seek the child to destroy him." St. Joseph delayed not to obey, and fled, the same night, with the child and his mother, into the land indicated to him. (They ended up in a place named Heliopolis, which I believe has something do with the Sun. Or Son?)

As this had happened before Herod executed his cruel determination, God thus frustrated the plot. Herod soon after, received his just punishment. Several terrible maladies suddenly seized him, as Josephus, the Jewish historian, relates. An internal fever consumed him, and all his limbs were covered with abominable ulcers, breeding vermin. His feet were swollen; his neck, shoulders and arms drawn together, and his breast so burdened, that the unfortunate man could hardly breathe, while his whole body exhaled so offensive an odor, that neither he nor others could endure it. Hence, in despair, he frequently cried for a knife or a sword, that he might end his own life. In this miserable condition, he ceased not his cruelties, and only five days before his death, he had his son, Antipater, put to death. As he had good reason to believe that the entire people would rejoice at his death, he wished at least to take to the grave the thought that many should grieve, if not for him, at least for their friends and relatives. Hence, he had the chief men of the nobility imprisoned, and gave orders to his sister Salome, that, as soon as he had closed his eyes, they were all to be murdered. This order, however, was not executed by Salome, who justly loathed its cruelty. In this lamentable condition, the cruel tyrant ended his life, but began one in eternity whose pains and torments were still more unendurable, and from which he cannot hope ever to be released; while the innocent children massacred by him, rejoice for all eternity in the glories of heaven, giving humble thanks to God for having thus admitted them into His presence. The Catholic Church has always honored them as martyrs; because, though not confessing Christ with their lips, as many thousands of others have done, yet they confessed Him with their death, by losing their lives for His sake.

Let us also remember all of those innocents who have died through abortion, never even having a chance to get a breath. Also, keep praying for those who perpetrate this horrid crime, and for those in favor of it, that they repent before their judgment day.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday after Christmas

This Sunday is the Sunday within the octave of Christmas. We are still contemplating the great mystery of Christmas. I had an epiphany of my own this morning, when I finally realized that when God said at the beginning of the world, "Let there be Light", He was referring to Christ already. What a dope I am. Anyway, I'm going to let our beloved Abott Gueranger, as he always does, explain about this day we are celebrating.

'...Thus the Church, or, more correctly, God--for God is the first author of the cycle of the year--shows us how the Incarnate Word, who came to save mankind, desires to give mankind confidence by this His adorable familiarity.

We have already shown that the Birth of our Lord took place on a Sunday, the Day on which, in the beginning of the world, God created Light. We shall find, later on, that his Resurrection also was on a Sunday. This the first day of creation, and the first of the week, was consecrated by the old Pagans to the Sun: with us Christians, it is most sacred and holy, on account of the two risings of our divine Sun of Justice--His Birth and His Resurrection. Whilst the solemnity of Easter is always kept on a Sunday, that of Christmas falls by turns on each of the days of the week--we have already had this difference explained to us by the Holy Fathers: but the mystery of Jesus' Birth is more aptly and strongly expressed, when its anniversary falls on a Sunday...

The Child that is born of Mary and is couched in the Crib at Bethlehem, raises his feeble voice to the Eternal Father, and calls him, "My Father!" He turns towards us and calls us "My Brethren!" We, consequently, when we speak to his Father, may call him Our Father! This is the mystery of adoption, revealed to us by the great event we are solemnizing. All things are changed, both is heaven and on earth: God has not only one Son, he has many sons; henceforth we stand before this our God, not merely creatures drawn out of nothing by his power, but children that he fondly loves. Heaven is now not only the throne of his sovereign Majesty; it has become our inheritance, in which we are joint-heirs with our Brother Jesus, the Son of Mary, Son of Eve, Son of Adam, according to his Human Nature, and (in the unity of Person) Son of God according to his Divine Nature. Let us turn our wondering and loving thoughts first to this sweet Babe, that has brought us all these blessings, and then to the blessings themselves, to the dear inheritance made ours by Him. Let our mind be seized with astonishment at creatures having such a destiny! and then let our heart pour out its thanks for the incomprehensible gift!'

And, to paraphrase the Abbot in another place: The Church(thanks to God) gives this Divine Infant to her faithful children in Holy communion (Christ always was, always is, and always will be), in order that they may carry him in their hearts, and bids them guard him against the snares laid for him by his and their enemies. Let the Christian, therefore, take heed lest Jesus should be taken from him. Let him, by strict watchfulness and by good works, crush the tyrant, sin, that seeks the life of the Divine Guest of his soul.

We need to be constantly vigilant in all that we do.

St. John, Apostle/Evangelist

Today is also the day we honor St. John, the Apostle and Evangelist. I shall refer to the writings of the Abbot Gueranger, who puts things in a way I can only copy:

Nearest to Jesus' Crib, after St. Stephen, stands John, the Apostle and Evangelist. The first gave his blood for Christ, while the second gave his virginity. The first stands as a type of Martyr, while the second is honored as the Prince of Virgins.

St. John was of the family of David, as was our Blessed Mother. He is consequently a relation of Jesus. This same honor belonged to St. James the Greater, his brother; as also to St. James the Less and St. Jude, both sons of Alpheus, (who I believe was related to St. Joseph). When our Saint was in the prime of his youth, he left not only his boat and nets, not only his father Zebedee, but even his betrothed, when everything was prepared for the marriage. He followed Jesus, and never once looked back. Hence the special love which our Lord bore him. Others were Disciples or Apostles, John was the Friend of Jesus. The cause of this our Lord's partiality was, as the Church tells us in the Liturgy, was that John had offered his Virginity to the God-Man. Let us, on this his Feast day, enumerate the graces and privileges that came to St. John from his being the Disciple whom Jesus loved.

This very expression of the Gospel, which the Evangelist repeats several times--The Disciple whom Jesus loved--says more than any commentary could do. St. Peter, it is true, was chosen by our Divine Lord to be the Head of the Apostolic College, and the Rock whereon the Church was to be built: he, then, was honored most; but St. John was loved most. Peter was bid to love more than the rest loved, and he was able to say, in answer to Jesus' thrice repeated question, that he did love him in this highest way: and yet, notwithstanding, John was more loved by Jesus than was Peter himself, because his Virginity deserved this special mark of honor.

Chastity of soul and body brings him who possesses it into a sacred nearness and intimacy with God. Hence it was that at the Last Supper--that Supper which was to be renewed on our Altars to the end of the world, in order to cure our spiritual infirmities and give life to our souls--John was placed near to Jesus, nay, was permitted, as the tenderly loved Disciple, to lean his head upon the Breast of the God-Man. Then it was that he was filled, from their very Fountain, with Light and Love: it was both a recompense and a favor, and became the source of two signal graces, which make St. John an object of special reverence to the whole Church.

Divine Wisdom wishing to make known to the world the Mystery of the Word, and commit to Scripture those profound secrets which, so far, no pen of mortal had been permitted to write, the task was put upon John. Peter had been crucified, Paul had been beheaded, and the rest of the Apostles had laid down their lives in testimony of the Truths they had been sent to preach to the world; John was the only one left in the Church. Heresy had already begun its blasphemies against the Apostolic Teachings; it refused to admit the Incarnate Word as the Son of God, Consubstantial to the Father. John was asked by the Churches to speak, and he did so in language heavenly above measure. His Divine Master had reserved to this his Virgin-Disciple the honor of writing those sublime Mysteries which the other Apostles had been commissioned only to teach--AND THE WORD WAS GOD, and this WORD WAS MADE FLESH for the salvation of mankind. Thus did our Evangelist soar, like the Eagle, up to the Divine Sun, and gaze upon Him with undazzled eye, because his heart and senses were pure, and therefore fitted for such vision of the uncreated Light. If Moses, after having conversed with God in the cloud, came from the divine interview with rays of miraculous light encircling his head: how radiant must have been the face of St. John, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge! (Col. ii 3); how sublime his writings!; how divine his teaching! Hence the symbol of the Eagle, shown to the Prophet Ezechiel (Ezech. i 10; x 14), and to St. John himself in his Revelations (Apoc. iv 7), has been assigned to him by the Church: and to this title of The Eagle has been added, by the universal Tradition, the other beautiful name of Theologian.

This was the first recompense given by Jesus to his Beloved John--a profound penetration into divine Mysteries. The second was the imparting to him of a most ardent charity, which was equally a grace consequent upon his angelic purity, for purity unburdens the soul from grovelling egotistic affections, and raises it to a chaste and generous love. John had treasured up in his heart the Discourses of his Master: he made them known to the Church, and especially that divine one of the Last Supper, wherein Jesus had poured forth His whole Soul to his own, whom He had always tenderly loved, but most so at the end. He wrote his Epistles, and Charity is his subject: God is Charity--he that loveth not, knoweth not God--perfect Charity casteth out fear--and so on throughout, always on Love. During the rest of his life, even when so enfeebled by old age as not to be able to walk, he was forever insisting upon all men to love each other, after the example of God, Who had loved them and so loved them! Thus, he that had announced more clearly than the rest of the Apostles the divinity of the Incarnate Word, was par excellence the Apostle of that divine Charity which Jesus came to enkindle upon the earth.

But our Lord had a further gift to bestow, and it was sweetly appropriate to the Virgin-Disciple. When dying on His Cross, Jesus left Mary upon this earth. Joseph had been dead now some years. Who then shall watch over His Mother? Who is there worthy of the charge? Will Jesus send His Angels to protect and console her? Surely, what man could ever merit to be to her as a second Joseph? Looking down, He sees the Virgin-Disciple standing at the foot of the Cross: we know the rest, John is to be Mary's adopted son: Mary is to be John's Mother. Oh! wonderful Chastity, that wins form Jesus such an inheritance as this! Peter, says St. Peter Damian, 'shall have left to him the Church, the Mother of men; but John shall receive Mary, the Mother of God, whom he will love as his own dearest Treasure, and to whom he will stand in Jesus' stead; while Mary will tenderly love John, her Jesus' Friend, as her son.

Can we be surprised after this, that St. John is looked upon by the Church as one of her greatest glories? He is a relative of Jesus in the flesh; he is an Apostle, a Virgin, the Friend of the Divine Spouse, the Eagle, the Theologian, the son of Mary; he is an Evangelist, by the history he has given of the Life of his Divine Master and Friend; he is a sacred Writer, by the three Epistles he wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; he is a Prophet, by his mysterious Apocalypse, wherein are treasured the secrets of time and eternity. But is he a Martyr? Yes, for if he did not complete his sacrifice, he drank the Chalice of Jesus, when, after being cruelly scourged, he was thrown into a caldron of boiling oil before the Latin Gate at Rome. He was therefore a Martyr in desire and intention, though not in fact. If our Lord, wishing to prolong a life so dear to the Church, as well as to show how He loves and honors Virginity, miraculously stayed the effects of the frightful punishment, St. John had, on his part, unreservedly accepted Martyrdom.

...Let us unite our homage with that given him by these favored inmates of his court. Yesterday the sight of the Palm in Stephen's hand animated us,, and we offered to or Jesus the promise of a stronger Faith: today the Wreath that decks the brow of the Beloved Disciple breathes upon the Church the heavenly fragrance of Virginity: an intenser love of Purity must be our resolution, and our tribute to the Lamb.

Our Collect for today:

Mercifully, O Lord, enlighten thy Church: that being taught by Blessed John, thine Apostle and Evangelist, she may come to thy eternal rewards.

Reflection: Saint John is a living proof of Our Lord's beatitude: "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8)

Saturday, December 26, 2015

St. Stephen

Yesterday. we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The beginning of our salvation is at hand. Today, we honor St. Stephen, the first martyr after Christ's Ascension. He had chastised the Jews, told them of their errors, and was stoned to death for it. But, he reached the goal that is promised to all, us included, who remain faithful to the end in the Truth.

He was head of the seven disciples whom the Apostles named as deacons, to execute the works of charity which their mandate to preach did not permit them to carry out. Stephen manifested all the qualities one could wish for in a minister of charity and of the Gospel. He knew Scripture to perfection and was steeped in its divine spirit; he was endowed with invincible force because he feared nothing in the service of God. Everywhere in Jerusalem, he was proving Jesus of Nazareth to be the Messiah, and working great prodigies to confirm the truths he taught. Some believe he was the cousin of Saul, later Saint Paul; in any case, the latter, still a fire-breathing Pharisee, took offense at his boldness and presided at the scene of his martyrdom by stoning. The fervent deacon, insensible to his own fate, defended Christ before the Jerusalem tribunal with a perfection which enraged the proud authorities of Jerusalem, unwilling to recognize a humble carpenter of Nazareth for their Saviour. He boldly upbraided the chief priests with their hard-hearted resistance to the Holy Spirit. And when he accused them of putting to death, just as their forebears had treated the prophets who foretold Him, the long-awaited Just One announced by Moses, they stoned him without further delay. (Acts of the Apostles, chapter 7)

I will let a great Liturgical Poet, Adam of St. Victor, give us this day's meditation.

'Yesterday the world exulted, and in its exultation celebrated the Birth of Jesus.
Yesterday the Angelic Choir in great joy stood round the King of heaven.

The Protomartyr and Deacon Stephen, illustrious for his faith, illustrious for his holy life, illustrious also for his miracles, on this day triumphed, and in his triumph, vanquished the unbelieving Jews.

These enemies of the Light rage like savage beasts at seeing their own defeat.
Flinch not, Combatant! Thou art sure of thy reward: fight and persevere, O Stephen!

Withstand the false witnesses, and confute by thy answers the synagogue of Satan.

Thine own Witness is in heaven, a Witness true and faithful, and he is Witness of thine innocence.

Thy name is The Crowned: it behooves thee to suffer, so to win thy Crown of glory.
For a Crown which is to last forever, what are torments which last but an hour, and are followed by victory?

Thy death will be thy Birth: thy last pang will introduce thee into eternal life.

Full of the Holy Ghost, Stephen fixes his gaze on the heavens above: Seeing there the glory of God, he pushes on to victory, he pants for the crown.

Behold, Stephen! on God's right hand is thy Jesus, and he is fighting for thee.
Boldly tell it to the crowd that the heavens are opened for thee, and that Jesus shows Himself to thee.

He then commends his spirit to his Saviour, for whom he deems it sweet to be thus stoned to death.

Saul makes himself guardian of the garments of all that cast the stones: casting thus himself each stone they throw.

But Stephen, compassionating their madness, falls on his knees, and prays that this sin be not laid to the charge of his murderers.

Thus did he sleep in Christ, who thus imitated Christ: and now forever lives with Christ: Stephen, first of Martyrs.

St. Augustine and common report assure us that he raised up six men in Africa.
When, through God's mercy, his relics were discovered, the earth, which was parched by a drought, received a plentiful rain.
The very fragrance that came from his relics put diseases and demons to flight. Truly, then, is he worthy of praise and honour and eternal remembrance.

O Martyr, whose name is so dear to the Church! refresh our fainting world by celestial fragrance. Amen.'

Maybe we should ask St. Stephen for prayers and guidance, that if we are ever in the position to give our lives for Christ, as he did, we could be as strong. Amen.

Friday, December 25, 2015


Christ is born today of a Virgin. Our redemption is at hand. In this season of giving, God the Father has given us the greatest Gift of all, His Son. Come, let us adore Him!

Glory to our newborn King!

Born in a dark, cold cave,
Light of the World,
Word made Flesh of humble handmaid
King of kings made Himself poor
sinners’ slave, miscreants’ knave…
crucified on wooden stave

Born in abject poverty
of lowly handmaid’s virginity
Fruit of the womb, conceived without sin
for them no room left in the inn.
For Him, the Star of Bethlehem,
the King, by Whom mankind was made,
by Whose Blood our debt was paid.

Nowhere for the Son of Man
to lay His regal crown,
no place, no space for His Grace,
Savior of the human race.

In King David’s town
a lowly shepherds’ stable,
all that could be found
for the Good Shepherd;
Humility profound.

Star shone brightly overhead
o’er Bethlehem, House of Bread,
illuminating the Infant’s bed,
a wooden trough
from which beasts were fed,
ox and ass in Master’s shed.
His parents' tears of joy;
Word Made Flesh, our Living Bread,
Magnificent Baby Boy!

Shepherds hasten from field nearby
to worship Him; the prophets’ cry,
the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God,
Divine Son, cloaked in human bod;
pious retinue gathered ‘round
brilliant Babe hallowed ground
in humble homage, they bowed down.

How can this be?
Eternal Wisdom, Infinity,
Maker of land and sea,
housed within a tiny body of flesh and blood.

The Incorrupt, the Most Holy,
dons corruptible humanity,
bearing Adam’s depravity,
clothed in the habit of sinful man.

The Alpha and Omega,
who can understand?
The Beginning and the End,
who can comprehend?
The Son of God,
the Most High,
most low does descend.

Hark! the herald angels sing;
Glory to our newborn King
we render Him hymns of praise,
to Him we tender, our hearts, we raise
Sursum corda! to Christ our King:
Wonderful, Counsellor,
God the Mighty, Prince of Peace,
Joy of heaven and earth,
Maker of His Blessed Mother,
Divine Child of Virgin Birth

What mind can grasp?
What eye can see?
who can fathom the depth,
the riches, the sublimity,
the wonder of this Mystery,
the Majesty, the Magnanimity.

God’s ineffable Charity,
Thy great Gift to humanity…
O Most Blessed Nativity!

Benediction, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, honour, and power, and strength to our God for ever and ever. Amen.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

I read this poem in my union paper one year, which is usually filled with socialistic tripe, but this time they actually printed something I could relate to. It was written by Lance Corporal James Schmidt, and is a variation on his original one, and was published in the 'Leatherneck' magazine in 1991. It is about our soldiers in Afghanistan, but I think it could be for all those serving all over the world. I feel sorry for them, since they have to regurgitate the drivel given by the government, and, therefore, cannot express their beliefs in God anymore without being punished. This soldier has nailed the sentiments. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Keep these brave people in your prayers.

Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
in a one bedroom house made of plaster and stone.
I had come down the chimney with presents to give,
and to see just who in this home did live.
No stocking hung by mantle, just boots filled with sand,
on the wall hung pictures of far distant lands.

With medals and badges, awards of all kinds,
a sober thought came through my mind.
For this house was different, it was dark and dreary,
I found the home of a soldier, once I could see clearly.
The soldier lay sleeping, silent, alone,
curled up on the floor in this one bedroom home.

The face was so gentle, the room is such disorder,
not how I pictured a United States Soldier.
Was this the hero of whom I'd just read?
curled up on a poncho, the floor for a bed?
I realized the families that I saw this night
owed their lives to these soldiers
who were willing to fight.

Soon round the world, the children would play,
and grownups would celebrate a bright Christmas Day.
They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year,
because of the soldiers, like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder how many lay alone,
on a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home.

The very thought brought a tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees and started to cry.
The soldier awakened and I heard a rough voice,
"Santa, don't cry, this life is my choice;
I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more.
my life is my God, my Country, my Corps."

The soldier rolled over and drifted to sleep,
I couldn't control it, I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours, so silent and still
and we both shivered from the cold night's chill.
I didn't want to leave on that cold, dark night,
this guardian of honor so willing to fight.

Then the soldier rolled over, with a voice soft and pure,
whispered, "Carry on Santa, it's Christmas Day; all is secure."
One look at my watch, and I knew he was right.
"Merry Christmas my friend,
and to all a good night."

Let's not forget those who can't be home during these times.
The original King sized bed!

I'd like to add something this year. It concerns the Infant beliefs in Italy, for one. This one is about the 'Divine Bambino'. Enjoy:

This is the "Nativity' scene there.

The Church of Santa Maria di Ara Coeli on the Capitoline Hill in Rome is built on the ruins of ruins of a temple to Juno Moneta, on the steps of which the Roman Senate used to meet (and where, by the way, Roman coins used to be minted, hence our word "money"). According to legend, the earliest extant text of which derives from the late 4th century, Emperor Augustus, consulted the Tiburtine Sibyl -- the sibyl who prophecied from the town of Tibur (the modern town of Tivoli) -- after he learned he was to be honored as a god. The Sibyl prophesied that "the King of the Ages" would soon come, and as she did, the Emperor had a vision of the Virgin standing on an altar, surrounded by a bright halo and holding the Infant. A voice said: "This is the altar of the Son of God." An altar to this future King was raised on the pagan site and became known as the "Altar of Heaven" (Ara Coeli). And of course, Our Lord was born during Augustus's reign.

In the 6th century, a church was built over the site. Over the ages, it was enlarged, first housing Byzantine monks, then the Benedictines, and then the Franciscans, who still tend the place today.

Inside this church is housed a statue of the Baby Jesus carved in the 15th century by a Franciscan friar in Jerusalem, from an olive wood tree that is said to have grown in the Garden of Gethsemani. It is said that the friar ran out of paint when he was making it, and so angels came and finished it while he slept. It is also said that when it was being transported from the Holy Land to Rome, it fell overboard when the ship that was carrying it was caught in a storm -- only to wash up on the shores of Livorno, at the feet of the Franciscan who was awaiting its arrival.

Down through the centuries, the statue became associated with many miraculous cures, and it was often carried to the bedsides of those who were sick or dying (this used to be effected by transporting the image in a golden carriage dedicated by the people of Rome just for this purpose; now a less ornate carriage is used). Letters and prayer requests are sent from all over the world to the church of Santa Maria di Ara Coeli to be placed near the statue as a sign of prayer.

The chapel of the Holy Bambino is continually visited by pilgrims from all parts of the world. Mothers, before giving birth, visit Aracoeli to receive a special blessing and also bring their children to be consecrated to the Divine Child. From time immemorial, the Bambino, like I said, has been carried to the sick-bed of the faithful and oftentimes one could see in the Campidoglio Square a long line of carriages awaiting their turn.

The ever-increasing fame of this miraculous image moved Pope Leo XIII and the Vatican to order its coronation which took place with solemn rites on May 2, 1897. This fame is attested to by the numerous letters of petition and thanksgiving which the Divine Infant receives daily from devout people from all corners of the globe; the little ones and the great of the world write to Him as to a dear friend. During Christmas time the children of Rome uninterruptedly come before the crib to sing jubilantly to the new-born Babe.

The statue is kept in the sacristy (a copy sits in a private chapel on the premises), but on Christmas Eve, it is brought out and unveiled at the sound of the Gloria, processed to a nativity scene, placed in Mary's lap, and kept there until the Feast of the Epiphany (6 January). On that day, the statue is taken to the top of the staircase outside the church so that Romans might blow it kisses as the zampognari and pifferai (bagpipers and flautists) play, and then returned to its private chapel. Nowadays, all of these purposes are served by use of a second copy, as the original was stolen in February of 1994.

Prayer to the Santo Bambino

Divine Bambino,
In my difficulties: help me
From the enemies of my soul: save me
In my errors: enlighten me
In my doubts and pains: comfort me
In my solitudes: be with me
In my infirmities: invigorate me
When others despise me: encourage me
In temptations: defend me
In difficult hours: strengthen me
With your Sacred Heart: love me
With your immense power: protect me
And, into your arms,
when I die: receive me.

Il Bambino

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday before Christmas

The following hymn is composed by St. Ambrose in preparation for Christmas.

Come, O Redeemer of mankind! reveal to us the Virgin's delivery: let all ages be in admiration: for what other birth would have been worthy of God?

Not of man, but of the Holy Ghost, was the Word of God made flesh, and the fruit of the womb ripened.

The Virgin has become Mother, and yet the Mother is still a Virgin. It is the banner of omnipotence which here shines; God has come into His temple.

He comes forth from the royal palace of virginity, as from His bride-chamber, that He may exultantly run the way, as a giant, who is both God and Man.

He comes forth from the Father; He returns to the Father; He descends into hell; He ascends to the throne of God.

Coequal Son of the eternal Father, gird thee with the trophy of the flesh; strengthening the weaknesses of our flesh by thy unfailing power.

Thy crib is already resplendent, and the night breathes forth a new light, the light of Faith; let no night interrupt it, let its brightness be incessant.

Glory be to thee, O Lord, Who wast born of the Virgin! and to the Father and the Holy ghost, for everlasting ages.



The following is a post of the past, and I think it is still important. And, I am unanimous in this decision.


I would like to attempt to write something concerning the Hail Mary in the most Holy Rosary of Our Blessed Mother, Mary. I know this has been done eleventy billion times, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway. In writing this, I'm going to try to make everyone understand that while praying the Rosary, we should be consciously aware of what we are saying while contemplating the mysteries. Most people say the Rosary way too fast, in order to just get it over and done with. We are not really thinking about the mystery. Remember, all time is present to God at all times. Keeping this in mind, when we say the Rosary of our Lady, we are present with her at each event. Whether we are a spectator in the crowd, shepherd of the flock, a flea on the ox in the stable, whatever; we need to focus on what we are saying. Remember, pray the Rosary, not just say the Rosary. We can be beside John at the Cross, or one of the women weeping. We could be in the Temple when Jesus is presented, or hiding in the Garden when He is arrested. Or maybe, we are taking Him to Herod and Pilate and Annas.

The Rosary was given to us through St. Dominic, even though she was honored hundreds of years before. She told him how she wanted it said. Let's start:

'Hail Mary',: This is we start each 'Ave'. She is hailed by all who are real Christians.
Actually, the Archangel Gabriel said: "Hail, full of Grace". We all are given graces by God when we do things that please Him. However, our Blessed Mother was 'full' of grace when the Angel appeared. She was most in line with the teachings of God. He even spared her the taint of 'original sin' at her conception. She was to be the 'new' Ark of the New Covenant, Jesus Himself. Therefore, she had to be as clean as possible. And we know, that nothing is impossible with God. The Angel did NOT say: 'Hail, oh highly favored daughter.' PERIOD!

'The Lord is with thee;'. God has found favor with her. She is the most pleasing person the world has ever known, and nobody else will ever reach that pinnacle.

'Blessed art thou among women,'. She is the most blessed woman ever, and she will be called blessed to the end of the world. Think about this; whenever we say this part, we are imitating an Archangel, Gabriel, who God sent to her to announce the great things that were to happen! Also, we imitate Elizabeth, when she also said these words. We're in good company whenever we use these words.

'and Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus'. The angel did not have the name of Jesus in his salutation, but was added later by Our Lady to St. Dominic and the Church. Blessed does not justify the Holy Name of Jesus; we can not say this part without seeing the Truth of the awesomeness of a person having this greeting from a being sent by God, one of the seven Archangels before the throne of Him in heaven.

'Holy Mary',. She is the holiest woman ever, and was chosen to bear the Christ Child. She said yes.

'Mother of God',. Do you realize how awesome this title is? The Mother of God! The Mother of Him Who will judge each one of us when we reach the edge of eternity. She will be there to intercede for us at that moment.

'Pray for us sinners',. We are asking her to pray for us, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all need prayers, and to ask her for them is the ultimate joy we can bring her.

'now',. We ask for her to pray for us at the present time, because of our shortcomings. We are always distracted by some means.

'and at the hour of our death'. We ask her to help us out when that transition point appears.

'Amen'. So be it.

We need to actually THINK about the happenings of Christ's life, as well as our Blessed Mother's position when these things happened. She will hear us if we are sincere enough. And now, some thoughts from St. Louis de Montfort, who passed on True Devotion to our Lady:

'...Mary, being the most gracious and liberal of all pure creatures, never lets herself be outdone in love and liberality. As a holy man said of her, for an egg she gives an ox; that is to say, for a little that is given to her, she gives much of what she has received from God. Hence, if a soul gives itself to her without reserve, she gives herself to that soul without reserve, if only we put our confidence in her without presumption, and on our side labor to acquire virtues and to bridle our passions.' And again:

'Concerning some kind of act to her, such as the Rosary or the litany or the Ave Maris Stella, it would be well also on that day they should pay some kind of tribute to Jesus Christ and our Blessed Lady, either as a penance for their past unfaithfulness to the vows of their Baptism, or as a testimony of their dependence on the dominion of Jesus and Mary. This tribute ought to be according to the devotion and ability of each one, such as a fast, a mortification, an alms or a candle. If they had but a pin to give in homage, and gave it with a good heart, it would be enough for Jesus, who looks only at the good will.'

Therefore, we should always be aware of what we are saying during the Most Holy Rosary of Our Lady. Slow down and pay attention!

Here is the Ave Maris Stella, which some might not know. Mary will hear us, but we have to be sincere and actually think.

Hail, bright star of ocean,
God's own Mother blest,
Ever sinless Virgin,
Gate of heavenly rest.

Taking that sweet Ave
which from Gabriel came,
Peace confirm within us,
Changing Eva's name.

Break the captives' fetters,
Light on blindness pour,
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore.

Show thyself a Mother;
May the Word Divine,
Born for us thy Infant,
Hear our prayers through thine.

Virgin all excelling,
Mildest of the mild,
Freed from guilt, preserve us,
Pure and undefiled.

Keep our life all spotless,
Make our way secure,
Til we find in Jesus
Joy forevermore.

Through the highest Heaven
to the Almighty Three,
Father, Son, and Spirit,
One same glory be. Amen.

Think this child is NOT set up for good things, as well for a devotion to our Lady?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday before Christmas

The following hymn is composed by St. Peter Damian, in honor of the Blessed Virgin.

May all earth and heaven be glad and resound with the praises which, in this double choir, are sung to the maternity of the Virgin.

Yea, this Virgin, Mother of the Word, is made the gate of heaven; she gave God to the world, and, by this, opened heaven to us.

This happy Mother of Jesus conceived Him without humiliation, and bore Him without a moan; such a Mother could not be under the law put on Eve.

O that rich treasury of Mary's womb! it held the price which purchased our redemption, setting us free from the yoke of our debt.

The Son of the eternal Father dwelt within her; the Holy Ghost overshadowed her; what is such a Virgin's womb, but a new-made heaven?

To thee, Most High, Who wast born of the Virgin, be praise! Honor ineffable be to the Father, and to the Holy Spirit.


The following prayer is from the Gallican Sacramentary:

Benign Creator of the light, visiting an unworthy people! the oracles of the prophetic predictions, which were announced in the past ages, thou didst fulfill by the mouth of John, thou didst perfect by His works, thou didst accomplish by His mission. Grant to thy people, making supplication to thee, to serve thee without fear; that, through the bowels of thy mercy, we, being filled with knowledge, may deserve to be directed by Truth.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday before Christmas

The following hymn is composed by St. Ambrose concerning Christmas. It is in the Ambrosian breviary.

It is a mystery of the Church, it is a hymn that we sing to Christ, the Word of the Father, become the Son of a Virgin.

Among women, thou alone, O Mary! wast chosen in this world, and wast made worthy to carry in thy holy womb Him Who is thy God.

This is a great mystery, that is given to Mary: that she should see the God, Who created all things, become her own Child!

How truly art thou full of grace, ever glorious Virgin! for of thee is born the Christ, by Whom all things were made.

Come then, ye people, let us pray to the Virgin Mother of God, that she would obtain for us peace and indulgent mercy.

Glory be to thee, O Lord, Who wast born of the Virgin! and to the Father and the Holy ghost, for everlasting ages.


St. Thomas the Apostle

Today is the day of St. Thomas, the Apostle. How many of us have doubted something at some time, only to have it made known in only a way we, as individuals, could perceive?
Apostle and Martyr
(† First Century)

Saint Thomas was another one of the fisherman on the Lake of Galilee whom Our Lord called to be His Apostles. By nature slow to believe, too apt to see difficulties and to look at the dark side of things, he had nonetheless a very sympathetic, loving, and courageous heart. Even if we are skeptical of things, we can still believe in miracles, and that Christ Himself is present at the Holy Mass.

When Jesus spoke to His apostles of His forthcoming departure, and told His faithful disciples that they already knew the Way to follow Him, Saint Thomas, in his simplicity, asked: "Lord, we know not whither Thou goest, and how can we know the way?"

When the Master during a journey turned back to go toward Bethany, near Jerusalem, to the grave of Lazarus, the apostle Thomas, knowing of the malevolent intentions of the Jerusalem religious authorities, at once feared the worst for his beloved Lord. Yet he cried out bravely: "Let us go then and die with Him!"

After the Resurrection his doubts prevailed, and while the wounds of the crucifixion remained vividly imprinted in his affectionate memory, he could not credit the report that Christ had risen. He said that he would not believe unless he saw the wounds in His hands, and probed the wound in His side. Then, eight days later, at the actual sight of the pierced Hands and Side, and the gentle rebuke of his Saviour, his unbelief vanished forever. His faith and ours have always triumphed in his joyous utterance: "My Lord and my God!" This is why we say this phrase at the elevations of the Flesh and the Blood at the Consecration at Mass.

That Saint Thomas, after the dispersion of the Apostles, went to India, where he labored and died at Meliapour, is a certain fact of history. The Roman Breviary states that he preached in Ethiopia and Abyssinia, as well as in Persia and Media. Surely his was a remarkable history, reserved for the inhabitants of Christ's glory to see in its fullness some day.

Before he died in Meliapour, he erected a very large cross and predicted to the people that when the sea would advance to the very foot of that cross, God would send them, from a far-distant land, white men who would preach to them the same doctrine he had taught them. This prophecy was verified when the Portuguese arrived in the region, and found that the ocean had advanced so far as to be truly at the foot of the cross. At the foot of this cross was a rock where Saint Thomas, while praying fervently, suffered his martyrdom by a blow from the lance of a pagan priest. This happened, according to the Roman Breviary, at Calamine, which is in fact Meliapour, for in the language of the people the word Calurmine means on the rock (mina). The name was given the site in memory of the Apostle's martyrdom.

When St. Francis Xavier came to India, the signs of blood were still to be seen on the cross where this murderous deed was committed; and more than once drops of blood appeared on this cross during the celebration of Mass, when crowds of people were present. St. Xavier, shortly after his arrival in India, went to the tomb of St. Thomas, and passed many days and nights there in prayer. He begged God fervently to bestow upon him the Spirit and zeal of this holy Apostle, that he might be able to restore the Christian faith which St. Thomas had preached there, but which had gradually been entirely exterminated. Before undertaking any important work, he went, if possible, to the tomb of St. Thomas; and when this was impossible, he invoked the holy Apostle's intercession, and endeavored to follow his example in all things.

Reflection: Cast away all disquieting doubts, and learn to triumph over outlived weaknesses as Saint Thomas did, who by his ignorance has instructed the ignorant, and by his incredulity has served the faith of all ages.

On a similar note, I had one of these experiences once. I, once upon a time, went to the Novus Ordo, and was the commentator, who read announcements, intentions, etc. Anyway, I had been told when I was converting, that Angels were present at the Consecration of the Mass. It actually made some sense to me, who knew nothing at that time. Anyway, it was Easter time at this church. On the altar was NOTHING, except the risen Christ on a cross. I had received Holy Communion, while kneeling on the altar, and had returned to my spot. This man came up to receive Him carrying a little boy of maybe three years of age. The little boy began pointing to the ceiling, and asking dad who all those people were. The dad, who I now suspect did not believe, said "no one was there." I knew at that time what I had heard was true. That was for me! I believe this child had seen the multitude of angels, and this confirmed my Faith even more. To paraphrase what Our Lord had said: "...be as little children..."

Thomas was called unbelieving by Christ, although he disbelieved only one article, the resurrection. Hence, it is clear that he who doubts, or rejects only one article of faith, cannot be counted among true Catholics, although he believes all the others. A Catholic must believe every truth revealed by the Almighty, be it great or small, as God cannot fail either in small things or great. The offense which we do to God by denying even the smallest article of faith, is as great as if we denied an important one, or all of them together; for, it is just as if we said: God has been deceived, or He has deceived us in revealing this article. Whether this is said of great and important articles, or of one that is small, makes but little difference; or if we desire to make a difference, we must say that it is a greater offense to God to ascribe to Him a fault in a small matter than in a great; for, what can be more blasphemous than to maintain that the Almighty has been deceived in a trifling matter, or that He intends to deceive us? They should ponder on this, who sometimes entertain doubts about an article of faith, or even go so far as to say that in some matters, they agree with non-Catholics, and consider them right. These are no longer Catholics. Their faith is lost; and if they do not repent, as St. Thomas did, they will go to perdition, because they are incredulous. They are disobedient who obey nine of the Commandments but not the tenth. What is the fate of the incredulous? Christ Himself pointed it out when He said: "Who believes not in the Son, will not see life, but the wrath of God will remain with him." (John viii.)

Let's get off our high horses and be more like the innocent babes of this world. Then, and only then, can we see more clearly what we need to know.

I would like to add someone to your prayers. His name is Fr. Joseph Rinaldo. He is with 'The Servants of Charity', which is located in Chelsea, MI. They help those who can't make it in the world, and have pretty much given up on by their families. Today is the 47th anniversary of his ordination. He is quite a guy, and knew some very important people in his life. Padre Pio is the one who told him to leave his homeland of Sicily, since he was speaking out against the Mafia. He told him that if stayed, the mob would have to kill him. Padre Pio said to go to the USA to avoid this end. Fr. Rinaldo also knew Bishop Fulton Sheen, and was friends with him. He also, in his frequent visits to India, served Mother Teresa's nuns. He also, when a boy server stationed in Rome, met Pope Pius XII, and was invited into the Pope's residence to have breakfast, after being near the Pope's room between serving Masses. The boys needed to serve wherever they were called to, and were ready at the moments notice. They must have had some 'off' time to be where they were at the time. So you see, he has met some of the real 'bigs' within the Church's history. Please pray for him as he is winding down in the waning hours of his life.

He is a Bible scholar, and has been to most of the places in Scripture, knows the layouts, and knows when and why the New Testament was written. I could listen to him all day to his stories of his life. Quite interesting, to say the least. Some people get tired of his stories, but they are maybe more than a little ignorant of what importance these stories have, even to us. He had to endure Nazi oppression in his childhood, but he persevered to the priesthood, and is still serving, not just the needy, but helps us understand what we need to know. Please keep him and his fellow 'Servants' in your prayers.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

4th Sunday of Advent

The Lord is now nigh: come, let us adore Him.

Today is the last Sunday of Advent. In a few days, He will be here again. Here's something I learned: the name of Bethlehem means 'House of Bread.' Go figure! Could it the Living Bread come down from heaven? I wonder?!

Anyway, I would like to share something from the 'Liturgical Year' by our beloved Abbot Gueranger. It is a hymn taken from the Anthology of the Greeks. It's about our Blessed Mother.

'As a royal throne, thou carriest the Creator; as a living couch, thou encirclest the King, O creature most dear to God:

Branch most vigorous, thou didst bud forth the Christ on whom we lean and are supported; for Aaron's branch, which, of old, budded unplanted, was a type of thee, thou chaste dove, and ever a Virgin.

To sing the more than wonderful manner of thy extraordinary and incomprehensible maternity, is above the power of all the choirs of men: for not mind, no thought, no understanding, no words, can reach the mystery.

Isaias, seeing the unspeakable miracle, the ineffable miracle of thy maternity, spoke thus divinely: The holy Spirit hath come upon thee, O Mother of God! preserving thee, as heretofore he kept entire the burning bush: and, therefore, we cry out with the angel: 'Rejoice, O thou tabernacle of God!'

GOSPEL (Lk. 3:1-6). In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his brother tetrarch of Iturea and the country of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilina, under the high priests Annas and Caiphas: the word of the Lord came to John the son of Zachary in the desert. And he came into all the country about the Jordan, preaching the baptism of penance for the remission of sins, as it is written in the book of the sayings of Isaias the prophet: A voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low: the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways plain: and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

Is it not a great spectacle, when we thus behold the nations of the earth, in the fullness of time, all subservient to the one almighty will of God? Like clouds, we behold them driven over the face of the universe, one misty shape following fast upon another, until, suddenly dividing, the Sun of Justice shines gloriously forth in their midst. "Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight His paths, every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low: and the crooked shall be made straight: and the rough ways plain." Thus the prophet had said. The Lord Himself, having prepared the way for His Son upon earth, when all the valleys had been filled, and all the mountains brought low, when all the crooked had been made straight and all the rough ways plain--sent down His salvation from on high, and the glorious mystery of Bethlehem spread over all the world.

Come, Lord Jesus

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Thoughts on the Nativity of our Lord

Following is from a book I have, which was printed in 1891, called 'Half Hours with the Servants of God'. This particular writing concerns the Nativity of our Lord. It is written by Pere Laurent Juillard du Jarry (1658-1730). I noticed he live 72 years, the same as our Blessed Mother. Coincidence? Anyway:

My brethren, let us gaze upon the Son of God in the poverty of His Birth. What does He not say to us there? Let us enter in spirit into the stable; we shall hear a voice issuing therefrom, saying--

Blush at having beautiful houses like unto palaces, such grand furniture, so much useless apparel, whilst I have only a crib instead of a bed, and two vile animals for company. Blush in those magnificent rooms wherein you try to be sheltered from the least inconveniences of the season, whilst a half-exposed stable leaves Me a prey to all hardships of a cold season.

Blush at the aversion you have for every kind of humiliation, at the precautions you take to continue in a condition that flatters your vanity, at the artifices you employ to conceal a poverty you ought to be proud of, at the contempt you display to all who are not within the pale of your society.

Blush to bear, perchance, the insignia of the poverty and humiliations of Jesus Christ in your state of life, and yet try to aspire to the pomp and luxury of the world shining around.

Let us contemplate this scene as Faith points out; let us enter this manger in spirit; let us see this hidden Deity Who, in the darkness of night, when all creatures are silent--in want of every necessity, and is made poor to enrich us.

This Child is born in an empty stable, deserted by every one; it is the God Who created them, and Whom they obey; it is the everlasting Wisdom which assists at all the councils of God, and which it has possessed from the beginning of time.

This divine Wisdom, hidden in the limbs of an Infant, was begotten in the brightness of the saints.

Ungrateful, deluded man, you who have not wished to know this divine Wisdom in the richness of His beauty, see Him now in the poverty of a stable! Laden as you have been with so many benefits and blessings, you have not recognized the Hand which has spread them over you with such profusion; you have closed your ears to that striking Voice which appeals to you with as many mouths as there are creatures: O man, adore thy God! His ingenious love has suggested another voice to persuade you: He teaches you through the poverty of the crib: "Now, therefore, my children, hear me" (Prov. viii)

Ah, my brethren! what does not this divine Child say, that eternal Word which is now so silent?

No occasion to seek for rules of piety to lead us on, for we learn all that we need know and practice in this adorable book. All the Prophets, all the Doctors, all the Apostles speak through the mouth of Him Who opened theirs. The stable at Bethlehem is the school where all Christians ought to study the science of salvation. All the ways to heaven, every path of virtue, begin and finish through Him Who is the Alpha and the Omega, and being the Way, the Truth, and the Life, He has opened the way to heaven to all.

Providence of my God, exclaims St. Bernard, how wonderful art thou! Carnal and animal creatures have no conception of the works of God. Even Wisdom itself is made Flesh to make it intelligible to men of flesh.

It is no longer through men, full of a holy fear, that God proclaims His oracles; mysterious messages in shrouded language no longer issue from the mountain top amidst thunder and lightning; these are heard no more. It is from the farther end of a grotto, it is from the height of a crib, it is in the silence of night, it is the mouth of a Child wrapped in swaddling-clothes that the Incarnate Wisdom exclaims, "Behold, to thee wisdom is manifested in the Flesh."

Come, ye profound philosophers, ye refined politicians, ye clever men--enter into the stable; there is your lyceum, your academy; deposit your proud learning, your studied lessons, your captious rhetoric at the Feet of this adorable Doctor Who exposes the vanity, errors, and littleness of everything.

Let all the fire of eloquence, all the pride of wisdom, all the subtlety of philosophy, all the refinements of policy, disappear at the sight of this divine Child: 'Ecce tibi in carne exhibetur sapientia.'

Preachers of the Gospel, happy organs of that eternal Word Who sends you; you who, as well as St. John the Baptist, are only voices to proclaim the glory of God in every temple, kneel before this Child and acknowledge the Master Who has loosened the tongues of the Prophets and Apostles, Who has inspired the Martyrs and young Virgins with words that astonished tyrants and confounded pagan philosophers; and when you shall have adored Him silently and humbly, lost in wonder, speak and consecrate every ornament of eloquence to the praise and glory of Him Who has endowed you with gifts.

Happy the docile listeners who, opening their hearts to that invisible Preacher Who speaks to them through your mouths, can hear the voice of our Lord in those of men!

Teach us, then, O Child divine! We speak in Your place simply to exhort Christians to hear You instead of hearing us.

Du Jarry.
On Christmas-tide.

Friday, December 18, 2015


12 Days of Christmas--The real reason

With so many stupid versions of the song 'The Twelve of Christmas' out there, the true meaning of the song is as follows:


The Twelve Days of Christmas are December 26 to Epiphany, January 6. The song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is an English carol written during the time of persecution in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, against Roman Catholics, after the so-called'reformation'. “The Twelve Days of Christmas” was a coded message that helped young Catholic children learn the tenets of the Faith and be able to recite them without fear of going to jail. Each “day” has a hidden meaning concerning teachings of the Catholic Faith.

The “true love” refers to God. The “me” who receives the gifts, refers to every baptized person. The Pear Tree is the cross and the Partridge is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Christ is symbolically portrayed as a mother partridge that fakes injury to trick predators from her helpless chicks. It reminds us of Christ’s sadness over the fate of Jerusalem: “How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” Matthew 23:37


2. Turtle Doves: The Old and New Testaments

3. French Hens: The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Also, the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity

4. Calling Birds: The four Gospels and/or the four Gospel writers-Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

5. Gold Rings: The first 5 Books of the Old Testament; also the five wounds of Jesus Christ

6. Geese A-laying: The Six days of Creation

7. Swans A-swimming: The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the seven Sacraments

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude (or courage), knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

8. Maids A-milking: The Eight Beatitudes

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.

Blesses are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. (Note: The last one is NOT considered a beatitude)

9. Ladies dancing: The nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit are charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (or kindness), goodness, longanimity (or long suffering), mildness, faith, modesty, continency (self-control), and chastity. (I don't know where they got 'nine' from. Maybe they've been reevaluated in the last 500 years)

10. Lords A-leaping: The Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments:

1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
4. Honor your father and your mother
5. You shall not kill
6. You shall not commit adultery
7. You shall not steal
8. You shall not bear false witness
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods

11. Pipers piping: The Eleven Faithful Apostles after Judas’s betrayal

12. Drummers drumming: The Twelve Points of Doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
1. Creator of heaven and earth;
2. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord;
3. Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
Born of the Virgin Mary,
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, died, and was buried.
5. He descended into hell; The third day he rose again from the dead;
6. He ascended into Heaven, And is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty;
7. From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
9. The Holy Catholic Church, The Communion of Saints,
10. The forgiveness of sins,
11. The resurrection of the body,
12. And life everlasting. Amen.

Merry CHRIST MASS to all

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Grandma Goes to Court

When I was working, I belonged to a union. I usually didn't agree with their politics, but they saved my job more than once when I spoke up on things that were wrong. I receive union papers, and I usually take in stride what they say with a grain of salt. However, the one I received the other day had an interesting little article. I don't know if it's true, but I think it's worth the read. It's entitled 'When Grandma goes to court'. Lawyers should never ask a Mississippi grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer. Enjoy!

In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked: "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?" She responded, "Why, yes, I know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you."

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?"

She again replied, "Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him."

The defense attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said, "If either of you two idiots ask her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair."

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

St. Eusebius

First of all, I'd like to straighten out something. The picture at the top is NOT me. I was much cuter, and my parents did not put a ribbon on me. Just sayin'.

Now, on to this day. We honor St. Eusebius. His day also coincides with my birthday. Anyway, he was one of the handful of Bishops who fought against the Arian heresy, along with St. Athanasius, St. Ambrose, St. Nicholas, and St. Hilary; the heresy which denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ. He is listed in the Book of Saints as a Martyr, although he actually did not die as one, but because of the agonies he had to endure thanks to the Arians, he died a dry martyrdom. St. Eusebius actually convinced the emperor of the time, Constantius, to convene a council to deal with this heresy. The Council was held at Milan. Eusebius, knowing that the Arians were in heresy, wanted them to subscribe to the Nicene Creed before the Council convened. They protested. Just like today, when the leaders will NOT subscribe to the 'Oath Against Modernism', which St. Pius X put forth to fight against he called 'The Synthesis of all heresies', which is what we are fighting today. I am going to put each oath here, and you can see why those opposed to Christ and His Church are so much against saying them. We need to ask the prayers of these great Saints, to fix what is wrong with the Church today. Here are the oaths; notice they do NOT begin with 'We believe', because they are suppose to be personal beliefs, not communal:

When asked to tell the names of the Saints who were foremost in defending the dogma of the Incarnation, we think at once of the intrepid Eusebius of Vercelli, as one of the glorious number. The Catholic faith, which was so violently attacked, in the fourth century, by the Arian heresy, was maintained at that time by the labours and zeal of four Sovereign Pontiffs: St. Sylvester, who confirmed the decrees of the Council of Nicaea; Julius, the supporter of St. Athanasius; Liberius, whose faith failed not, and who, when restored to his liberty, confounded the Arians; and, lastly, St. Damasus, who destroyed the last hopes of the heretics. One of these four Pontiffs appears on our Advent Calendar,--Damasus, whose feast we kept but a few days since. The four Popes have for their fellow-combatants, in this battle for the Divinity of the Incarnate Word, four great Bishops, of whom it may be said, that the defence of the dogma of the Consubstantiality of the Son of God was what they lived for, and that to say anathema to them was to say anathema to Christ himself; all four most powerful in word and work, lights of the Churches of the world, objects of the people's love, and the dauntless witnesses of Jesus.

The first and greatest of the four is the Bishop of the second See of Christendom, St. Athanasius, the Patriarch of Alexandria; the second is St. Ambrose of Milan, whose feast we kept on the seventh of this month; the third is the glory of Gaul, St. Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers; the fourth is the ornament of Italy, St. Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli, whom we have to honour today. Hilary will come to us during Christmastide, and will stand at the Crib of the Word, whose Divinity he so bravely confesses; Athanasius will meet us at Easter, and help us to celebrate, in the triumphant Resurrection, Him whom he proclaimed as God in those dark times, when human wisdom hoped to destroy, by a fifty years of peace, that Church which had survived the storm of three centuries of persecution. St. Eusebius' place is Advent; and divine Providence has thus chosen him as one of the patrons of the faithful during this mystic season; his powerful prayers will help us to come devoutly to Bethlehem, and see in the Child, that is lying there, the eternal Word of God.


I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick (living) and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; Who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Given by His Holiness St. Pius X September 1, 1910.

To be sworn to by all clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries. (When you get done reading this, you can see why the 'modernists' hate it so and refuse to say it)

I . . . . firmly embrace and accept each and every definition that has been set forth and declared by the unerring teaching authority of the Church, especially those principal truths which are directly opposed to the errors of this day. And first of all, I profess that God, the origin and end of all things, can be known with certainty by the natural light of reason from the created world (see Rom. 1:90), that is, from the visible works of creation, as a cause from its effects, and that, therefore, his existence can also be demonstrated: Secondly, I accept and acknowledge the external proofs of revelation, that is, divine acts and especially miracles and prophecies as the surest signs of the divine origin of the Christian religion and I hold that these same proofs are well adapted to the understanding of all eras and all men, even of this time. Thirdly, I believe with equally firm faith that the Church, the guardian and teacher of the revealed word, was personally instituted by the real and historical Christ when he lived among us, and that the Church was built upon Peter, the prince of the apostolic hierarchy, and his successors for the duration of time. Fourthly, I sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was handed down to us from the apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the same meaning and always in the same purport. Therefore, I entirely reject the heretical' misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to another different from the one which the Church held previously. I also condemn every error according to which, in place of the divine deposit which has been given to the spouse of Christ to be carefully guarded by her, there is put a philosophical figment or product of a human conscience that has gradually been developed by human effort and will continue to develop indefinitely. Fifthly, I hold with certainty and sincerely confess that faith is not a blind sentiment of religion welling up from the depths of the subconscious under the impulse of the heart and the motion of a will trained to morality; but faith is a genuine assent of the intellect to truth received by hearing from an external source. By this assent, because of the authority of the supremely truthful God, we believe to be true that which has been revealed and attested to by a personal God, our creator and lord.

Furthermore, with due reverence, I submit and adhere with my whole heart to the condemnations, declarations, and all the prescripts contained in the encyclical Pascendi and in the decree Lamentabili, especially those concerning what is known as the history of dogmas. I also reject the error of those who say that the faith held by the Church can contradict history, and that Catholic dogmas, in the sense in which they are now understood, are irreconcilable with a more realistic view of the origins of the Christian religion. I also condemn and reject the opinion of those who say that a well-educated Christian assumes a dual personality-that of a believer and at the same time of a historian, as if it were permissible for a historian to hold things that contradict the faith of the believer, or to establish premises which, provided there be no direct denial of dogmas, would lead to the conclusion that dogmas are either false or doubtful. Likewise, I reject that method of judging and interpreting Sacred Scripture which, departing from the tradition of the Church, the analogy of faith, and the norms of the Apostolic See, embraces the misrepresentations of the rationalists and with no prudence or restraint adopts textual criticism as the one and supreme norm. Furthermore, I reject the opinion of those who hold that a professor lecturing or writing on a historico-theological subject should first put aside any preconceived opinion about the supernatural origin of Catholic tradition or about the divine promise of help to preserve all revealed truth forever; and that they should then interpret the writings of each of the Fathers solely by scientific principles, excluding all sacred authority, and with the same liberty of judgment that is common in the investigation of all ordinary historical documents.

Finally, I declare that I am completely opposed to the error of the modernists who hold that there is nothing divine in Sacred Tradition; or what is far worse, say that there is, but in a pantheistic sense, with the result that there would remain nothing but this plain simple fact-one to be put on a par with the ordinary facts of history---the fact, namely, that a group of men by their own labor, skill, and talent have continued through subsequent ages a school begun by Christ and his apostles. I firmly hold, then, and shall hold to my dying breath the belief of the Fathers in the charism of truth, which certainly is, was, and always will be in the succession of the episcopacy from the apostles. The purpose of this is, then, not that dogma may be tailored according to what seems better and more suited to the culture of each age; rather, that the absolute and immutable truth preached by the apostles from the beginning may never be believed to be different, may never be understood in any other way.

I promise that I shall keep all these articles faithfully, entirely, and sincerely, and guard them inviolate, in no way deviating from them in teaching or in any way in word or in writing. Thus I promise, this I swear, so help me God. . .


Valiant Soldier of Jesus, Eusebius, Martyr and Pontiff, how much labour and suffering thou didst undergo for the Messias! And yet, they seemed to thee to be little in comparison with what is due to this eternal Word of the Father, who, out of His pure love, has made Himself the Servant of His own creatures, by becoming Man for them in the mystery of the Incarnation. We owe the same debt of gratitude to this divine Saviour. He is born in a stable for our sakes, as He was for thine; pray, therefore, for us that we may be ever faithful to Him both in war and peace; and that we may resist our temptations and evil inclinations with that same firmness, wherewith we would confess His name before tyrants and persecutors. Obtain for the Bishops of our holy Mother the Church, such vigilance, that no false doctrines may surprise them, and such courage that no persecution may make them yield. May they be faithful imitators of the divine Pastor, who gives his life for his sheep; and may they ever feed the flock, intrusted to them, in the unity and charity of Jesus Christ.

This is also the birthday of Beethoven, and the date of the Boston Tea Party in 1773. But, for my part, I prefer to donate my space and my writings according to the real Heroes of the Church, who are listed above, as well as those throughout history who have passed on the Faith of our Fathers, the Apostles. I enlist them when putting together this blog, as well as St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of journalists. (Not that I consider myself a journalist, but he does seem to help me with my postings, getting the Truth out.)