Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chem trails!#%&*!!

Today in our 'world class city' and 'International Port' of Lansing(even though we don't have any water around us), we are getting gassed in an overwhelming amount. Supposedly, the gases are to limit the number of 'apple moths'. I guess the people, or should I say 'useless eaters', are more of a threat than a little moth. Here is a list of what is in these trails: Aluminum, barium titanate salt mixture, polymer fibers, arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium, and silver. Maybe not too bad unless you're overexposed to them. But don't worry, there's just a few "SIDE EFFECTS" SUCH AS: a persistent hacking cough, upper respitory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, extreme fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, splitting headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control, and nervous tics. But don't worry, we'll be OK. Right? Check out this site, and watch the first video, at least. Maybe we should be using Holy Water when we venture outside.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

33 years

Today is a blessed day in our house. The wife and I have been married 33 years. She is one of those who helped me into the Church, also. I am totally grateful for her and for the Faith!

33 is a pretty interesting number. Christ lived 33 years. His holy Mother, Mary, after she hit 33 looked at the same for the rest of her life, according to St. Mary of Agreda in the CITY OF GOD.

Hopefully, our marriage can be the same as it is now until we die, faithful to the Truth and the Church.

Lord, help us persevere.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

There's SNOW time like the present

Guess what I've been doing the few days? That's right! I blew snow in the morning, so that my people could get to work. I blew snow in the afternoon so they could get home again. I was about to relax in the evening and take an Epsom salts bath, which feels soooo good, and guess what happened then. The snow plow came and filled in all of the approaches. By the time I got my BIG thrower going, a second one came and made it really heavy. But, the BIG RED cuts right through it like a hot knife going through butter.

Oh well. I still got my soak in. It was just later than I had planned. And so it goes.